Steftalks: Learn More about Work From Home Solutions! - Stefanini

Steftalks: Learn More About Work From Home Solutions!

Featuring Eric Goupil and Anton Lutero, this webinar shares best practices to help you deliver a productive and engaged team for all business levels.

“The New Normal: Working From Home” calls attention to the remote work movement that has been set in motion thanks to COVID-19.  

·         COVID-19 Forces People to Work From Home 

·         Support Remote Workers 

·         About the Webinar  

COVID-19 Forces People to Work From Home 

With the ongoing global pandemic, all businesses have had to make dramatic changes to their operating models. The most significant change many companies have undergone has been the requirement to put together a Work From Home (WFH) solution – in many cases, faster and at a greater scale than could ever have been imagined was possible.  

Now that there are millions more employees worldwide working out of various home offices with numerous tools and technologies, how does one maintain a functional and connected workforce?   

How has COVID-19 changed the way we work? Read this Trends post to find out!  

Support Remote Workers  

With many employees working on laptops and using their own devices, it would seem that from a technical standpoint, working from home is easy to support. Yet, it’s not as simple for some industries. For instance, companies in the insurance and financial sectors work with sensitive data that can’t be left on their own internal servers, with some companies using proprietary apps that can only be offered from their office networks. Though remote workers may have access to corporate virtual private networks (VPNs) that allow them access to office networks, everyone working remotely requires more network bandwidth and expanded hardware to encrypt the connections.  

Unfortunately, some offices don’t necessarily pay for or have the bandwidth to assume that everyone is accessing the infrastructure from the outside. According to Rob Smith, an analyst with Gartner, roughly one-third of all companies are ill-equipped to send all their employees home, while another third have no remote work plan in place at all. It’s clear today that companies need to start investing in this infrastructure. 

About the Webinar 

This webinar is intended to help attendees navigate the various advantages and pitfalls of the ‘New Normal’ that is remote work. Featuring Eric Goupil, Stefanini CSI Senior Director and Anton Lutero, Director of Operations – Stefanini APAC, the webinar “The New Normal: Working From Home” will share insights and best practices to help you deliver a productive and engaged team for all business levels.

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