Steftalks: Learn How Manufacturing Can Take Advantage of Remote Opportunities! - Stefanini

Steftalks: Learn How Manufacturing Can Take Advantage Of Remote Opportunities!

Join Leonardo Vieira and Sreyams Jain for a lively and engaging webinar to learn how manufacturing can take advantage of remote capabilities. 

This webinar is a must for those involved in the manufacturing sector – particularly during these troubling times.  

·         Smart Manufacturing 

·         The Future of Industrial Automation 

·         Register Today 

Smart Manufacturing 

It has been almost 10 years since the industrial community envisioned Industry 4.0 and Smart Manufacturing concepts. The initial vision was to transform plants into highly automated and robotized processes. Gradually, this vision has evolved into a business-centric model where the main objective is to transform companies into more efficient and agile organizations leveraged by new technologies. Business efficiency is tightly related to the quality of the decision-making process and data is the main element for that purpose.  

The Future of Industrial Automation 

Adaptation is at the center of every successful organization. And technology drives much of the need for change. Today, automation and artificial intelligence mark a significant shift in the way that companies across industries conduct business.  

As the demand for technological, social and emotional skills rise, the need for physical and manual skills continue to fall, requiring the worker to make some changes in the way he or she approaches their job. This change is also reflected at the company level, where business leaders must rethink how work is coordinated within their organizations.  

After all, there’s no innovation without experimentation. Innovation is the creativity necessary to generate business results. And with coronavirus at the helm, new opportunities are needed now more than ever.  

Register Today 

In this session, we will discuss how companies are pursuing data-driven decisions, some of which could be technology-enabled by IoT and Analytics. In today’s age, more and more of companies’ process decisions are based on data; the more know, the more you are prepared for the recent challenges the world is facing.

Join Leonardo Vieira, Stefanini Digital Industry Director and Sreyams Jain, IOT & Data Science Practice Lead for “After the Hype: Smart Manufacturing and the Urgency for Remote Capabilities” in a lively and engaging session.

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