Knowledge, Training, Research and Development - Stefanini
Our Innovation Foundation

Knowledge, Training, Research And Development

Innovation is built on knowledge. Succeeding in a digital world means evolving as fast as possible, based on the latest information. Knowledge and research are the foundation of our Innovation Ecosystem.

Focus On Learning

We research, test and generate new innovation building blocks (products, experience and best practices, skills and technologies) so that our customers can generate value as quickly as possible through the latest digital innovations.

Our experts develop insights and experiences in different areas, such as digital products definition and development, digital workplace and digital marketing. This also includes a focus on specific industries, such as finance and healthcare. You are welcome to browse through our content and demos in different areas and visit us to see for yourself.

Our Approaches

Innovation to transform and evolve your enterprise, delivering more value to businesses and people.

Self-driven Organization

Leveraging data, AI, analytics, and automation, we improve the efficiency of client work processes, delivering improved user experiences.

Next-Gen Applications Development

To support business transformation, we deliver high level application development and management services.

Cloud-Based Consulting

Our cloud-based consulting for enterprise software provides clients with actionable business insights they can use to achieve objectives.

User / Customer Experience

Using digital technology, we support the relationships between businesses and people.

Digital Marketing

Orchestrating new channels and digital assets, our team of experts can improve marketing and communication efforts.

Stefanini Artificial Intelligence

With more than a decade of experience in applied artificial intelligence, we help businesses harness the power of AI to operate more efficiently and profitably.

Learn More About How We Can Make Your Business Grow

Reimagine your products and services. Stefanini’s powerful digital capabilities with deep engineering and industry expertise. Working across multiple industries, we offer a range of solutions and services for digitizing business at all levels.

Our teams have expertise in design, engineering, manufacturing, finance, technology, consulting and operations

Application Services

Our services include ITSM and IT strategy, cloud-based consulting, business process support, as well as transitional and transformational strategy.


With our digital strategy, we provide sweeping coverage and support for all of your digital challenges, ensuring you stay ahead of the game, all the time.

Artificial Intelligence

Unlock the current state of AI and take full advantage of its capabilities with SAI – Stefanini Artificial Intelligence.


Increase ROI and end-user productivity with made-to-order digital workplace services from Stefanini.


Our services include ITSM and IT strategy, cloud-based consulting, business process support, as well as transitional and transformational strategy.

Automation Everywhere

Stefanini’s solutions help enterprises around the world improve collaboration and increase efficiency. Learn about our technology enabling products here.

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