Global - Stefanini
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Explore Our Global Ecosystem

Stefanini's global presence spans across 41 countries with more than 32,000 employees speaking 44 languages. Check out our offices around the world!

View Our Asia Pacific Offices


Stefanini Information Technology No. 1, Hui Xian Yuan, Dalian Hi-Tech Zone China 116025


5th Floor, Sanali Spazio, Plot No.19, Software Units Layout, Madhapur, Hi-tech City Hyderabad 500081, India


Floor 4, Building E, No. 86 Shenzhen St. Hi-Tech Zone, Jilin City Jilin Province, China 132013


Ground Floor, Midas Towers, Office No.05, Plot No. 44, Phase-1,RGIP, Hinjawadi Pune, Maharashtra, 411057


Stefanini operates in this location with professionals working in the offices of its clients.


3rd, 5th, 6th Floor, IMET BPO Tower 1, Metropolitan Park, Macapagal Boulevard corner EDSA Extension Pasay City, Manila Philippines 1300


Level 9, 63 Exhibition Street Melbourne VIC 3000, Australia


5th Floor, A-13A, Graphix Tower, Sector-62, Gautam Buddha Nagar, Noida, Uttar Pradesh, 201301


135 Cecil Street, #10-01, MYP Plaza Singapore 069536


Stefanini operates in this location with professionals working in the offices of its clients.

View Our Europe, the Middle East and Africa Offices


Stefanini operates in this location with professionals working in the offices of its clients.


Stefanini operates in this location with professionals working in the offices of its clients.

Belgium, Brussels

Belgicastraat 5, 1930 Zaventem, Belgium


Stefanini operates in this location with professionals working in the offices of its clients.


3, Rue du Colonel Moll 75017 Paris, France


Im Zollhafen 24, 50678 Köln, Germany


26 Filellinon, 10558 Athens, Greece


Kalman Imre Utca 1, 1054 Budapest, Hungary


Lungo Dora Pietro Colletta, 81-10153 Turin, Italy


29 Sfatul Tarii Street, Chisinau MD-2012, Republic of Moldova


Stefanini operates in this location with professionals working in the offices of its clients.


Joop Geesinkweg 722, 1114 AB Amsterdam, the Netherlands

Poland, Kraków

ul. Zyczkowskiego 20, 31-864 Krakow, Poland

Poland, Opole

ul. Wrocławska 152B 45-835, Opole, Poland


Rua Tierno Galvan, Torre Amoreiras 3, 7th Floor, Office 710, 1070-024 Lisbon, Portugal

Romania, Bucharest

4B Ing. George Constantinescu Street, 2nd District, GlobalWorth Building, Bucharest 020337, Romania

Romania, Sibiu

Calea Dumbravii 24 Royal Business Center, 4th Floor, Sibiu 550324, Romania

South Africa

Stefanini operates in this location with professionals working in the offices of its clients.

Spain, Barcelona

Avenida Diagonal 640, Planta 6, 08017 Barcelona, Spain

Spain, Madrid

Calle Maria de Molina 41 Planta 4, Puerta 421, 28006 Madrid, Spain


P.O. Box 16285, SE-103 25 Stockholm, Sweden


Avenue de Gratta-Paille 2, Case Postale 476, CH-1000 Lausanne 30 Grey, Switzerland


Stefanini operates in this location with professionals working in the offices of its clients.

United Kingdom

Jubilee House, 3 The Drive, Brentwood, Essex, England CM13 3FR, United Kingdom

View Our Latin America Offices


Calle 122 # 23-46Centro Empresarial GPR

Buenos Aires

Av. Caseros 3039, Parque Patricios, Piso 7, Edificio Tesla II, Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires.

Ciudad de Neuquén

Eugenio Perticone 2341, Neuquén, ZIP: Q8300LPV

Ciudad de Panamá

Calle Luis Bonilla, Edificio 120 – Oficinas Ejecutivas, Oficina C.


Av. Real Acueducto, 360 - A. CP45116. Zapopan, Jalisco, MéxicoPiso 5


Paseo de la República 5895 Miraflores, oficina 401


Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra, 193, Col. Granada – México, DF, C.P.: 11520\\\\nPiso 9


Av. Batallón de San Patricio, 109, Col. Valle Oriente, San Pedro Garza Garcia, C.P.: 66260,Piso 6


Guipúzcoa, 331, Piso 8 - Punta Carretas Tower

Olivia Cove

Bartolome Mitre 1657, Caleta Olivia, Santa Cruz


Av 5 de Febrero, 1351, Colonia Carrillo Puerto. Parque Industrial Benito Juárez. Santiago de Querétaro, Querétaro, C.P.: 76130Piso 1

San Salvador

Calle El Mirador, Edificio Vittoria, 4814. Colonia Escalón


Alonso de Córdova 5320. 17th Floor. Office 1703 Las Condes, Santiago


AV. Providencia 2331. Floor 3. Office 302 Providencia, Santiago

Stefanini Alphaville

Alameda Xingu, 512 - 12° andar - CJ 1204 - Alphaville Industrial - Barueri - CEP: 06455-030

Stefanini Aracaju

Av. Jorge Amado, 1.565, sala 04 e 06, Caixa Postal 0479, bairro Jardins - CEP 49.025-330

Stefanini Belém

Avenida Governador José Malcher, 153, 66.040-281, Nazaré, Belém-PA

Stefanini Belo Horizonte

Av. Deputado Cristovam Chiaradia, 670 - Buritis, Belo Horizonte - MG, 30575-815

Stefanini Brasília

Quadra SCN Quadra 1 Bloco A 77 SL 201 E 202 - 701 E 702 - 1301, Asa Norte, Brasília - DF, CEP: 70711-900

Stefanini Campina Grande

Avenida Elpídio de Almeida 1111, Catolé, Campina Grande - PB, CEP: 58410215

Stefanini Company 2

Avenida Eusébio Matoso 1385 subsolo térreo 1 2 e 3 andar, Pinheiros, São Paulo - SP, CEP: 05423180

Stefanini Curitiba

HOTMILK | Ecossistema de Inovação PUCPR Rua Imaculada Conceição, 1430, bloco 1, 1º andar - Prado Velho, Curitiba-PR CEP 80.215-182.

Stefanini Fortaleza

Rua Nogueira Acioli, 1505 - sala 04, Fortaleza/CE, 60.110-140

Stefanini Jaguariúna

Rua Minas Gerais, 1476 - Jardim Alice - Jaguariúna

Stefanini Macaé

Avenida Atlântica, 386, sala 406 e 408, Bairro Praia Campista, Macaé - RJ - CEP 27920-325

Stefanini Porto Alegre

Instituto Caldeira - Travessa São José, 455 - Navegantes, Porto Alegre - RS, 90240-200

Stefanini Rafael São José dos Campos

Estrada Doutor Altino Bondesan 500 SALA 2402, Eugênio de Mello, São José dos Campos - SP, CEP: 12247016

Stefanini Recife

R. do Brum, nº 455, Galpão 0000 - Sala 06 a 12, Recife/PE, CEP: 50.030-260

Stefanini Rio de Janeiro

Avenida Oscar Niemeyer, 2000, Sala 401, Bloco 01 - 4º Andar. Santo Cristo - Rio de Janeiro/RJ CEP: 20220-297

Stefanini Salvador

Rua Ewerton Visco Nº 290, Edf. Boulevard Side Empresarial, sala 1901 -11, Salvador – BA, CEP: 41.820-022

Stefanini Santana

Rua Alfredo Pujol 506, Santana, S√£o Paulo - SP, CEP: 02017-001

Stefanini São José dos Campos

Estrada Doutor Altino Bondesan 500 SALA 1107, Eugênio de Mello, São José dos Campos - SP, CEP: 12247016

Stefanini Vitória

Avenida João Batista Parra, 633, Sala 1401, Praia da Sua – Vitória/ES – CEP 20.052-120

Stefanini Woopi

Rua Elias Ayres Do Amaral, Nº 226 - Box 30, Jardim Maria Do Carmo, Sorocaba/SP - Cep 18081-135


Boulevard Morazán, Torre Agalta, nivel 8, oficina 808.


Av. Benito Juárez, 1001, Col. San Francisco Coaxusco Metepec, Estado de México, C.P.: 52158Piso 2

View Our North America Offices


5770 Tremont Avenue Davenport, Iowa 52807

New York

404 5th Avenue New York City, NY 10018


333 East Franklin Street, Suite 210Richmond, Virginia 23219


27100 West Eleven Mile RoadSouthfield, MI


2 Bloor Street West, Suite 1902Toronto, Ontario M4W 3R1

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