Meet the new Sophie 4.0: Learn more about her in our first-ever digital version of the "Sophie World Event" - Stefanini

Meet The New Sophie 4.0: Learn More About Her In Our First-ever Digital Version Of The "Sophie World Event"

The upcoming Sophie World Event will feature updates for our omni-channel virtual assistant, its online AI capabilities, and more. Visit the blog for more details!

Move over Sophie 3.0, there is a new update in town! We are excited to announce that we are launching a new version of our omni-channel virtual assistant and AI solution, Sophie 4.0.

Equipped with a completely new Knowledge Trainer interface, Sophie 4.0 is even easier and quicker to train than the previous software. The CommonKnowledge feature has been enhanced as well, allowing not only the reuse of rules but of all content, including images, documents and concepts across different instances. Sophie 4.0 also has improvements in the preprocessing engine to read websites more effectively (with Portuguese support added), a new enhanced version of Microsoft Teams integration, improvements in voice recognition over the phone and several improvements in JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) integrations.

“As a company always committed to reinventing itself, we felt it was time to adapt and evolve Sophie’s software for an improved user experience,” said Fabio Caversan, our Artificial Intelligence Research and Development Director. “Sophie is widely used across our internal team and client portfolio, and we look forward to hearing how Sophie 4.0 can positively support businesses on their digital transformation journey.”

How does Sophie function as a cognitive solution for digital transformation? Get answers here!

Sophie’s Capabilities

Sophie is designed with an original set of artificial intelligence algorithms, replacing script-based human service with automation. Sophie is well trained in voice processing, text interpretation and self-learning initiation. Using its technology to source information, the AI assistant is easy to train and implement into business. Sophie can achieve the same results as other AI technologies, with five percent of the training required by other tech tools. She was also recognized in the “ISG Provider Lens” report, won the “100 most innovative IT” in the digital industry category and earned the “Bank Report” award in 2018 in the self-service category.

Attend Sophie World

To showcase Sophie to current and existing clients, we will host our virtual Sophie World Event on Thursday, October 22, from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. EST. The event will dive into Sophie’s capabilities and how AI can be integrated into multiple areas of an organization.

To register for the complimentary, open-to-the-public event, please visit:

Interested in chatting with an expert about Sophie? Get connected here!

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