Service Management Transformation for Environment Health & Safety - Stefanini

Service Management Transformation For Environment Health & Safety

Client Description

A global group for the design, manufacture and marketing of motor vehicles.

Client Challenges

The project, which began in 2016, involved a market survey to identify a product that could meet the Client’s needs for risk assessment, the Incident Management process and the management of Training on safety in plants (from a regulatory and operating standpoint). Solutions managed the entire customization process (ranging from requirement collection to the training of approximately 5,000 users located in 24 plants), coordinating relations between the supplier, the central entity and the pilot plants One of the fundamental training features required of the system was the management of the entire training process:

  • Planning of training sessions including participant registration and invitation
  • Provision of tests and recording of the score achieved
  • Issuing of training certificates

The Results

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  • The additional Risk management component and the related online training module were also launched


  • Organization and delivery of training at various Italian sites

On-the-job Support

  • Weekly calls with the business functions and end-users in order to support the launch of the new application
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