Idea to Prototype in a Week - Stefanini

Idea To Prototype In A Week

It’s a big risk to take. So it’s much better to fail fast. You want to know as early as possible whether or not a solution will work. That way, you can invest in the next idea. And then the next one, until you find the perfect solution.

That’s what Stefanini Dive can help you with.

A week-long workshop to try out ideas

We bring together your people – preferably the most senior in the business – sit them down and help them understand the problem, come up with ideas, build a prototype and then test it.

Over the five days, we run games and exercises to help your people come up with the ideas and refine them into something tangible and practical. By using a set structure over the days, we can help shortcut you from the idea to what you can learn from it.

There are five key stages to our Dive:

  • Understand – We make sure that you’re solving the right problem. Who are your users? What do they need? How do they usually work?
  • Diverge – Once you know the problem, we can start brainstorming. We don’t throw any ideas out, as we may revisit them later.
  • Decide – Choose the best idea that fits to the goal, and then storyboard how it could look.
  • Prototype – Now we’ve decided what we want to create, we can quickly build something. Whether this is a process, a piece of software or something else – depends on what your idea is.
  • Validate. Once we’ve built something that’s functional, we can test it with real users and see if the idea works.

We’ll be there to help guide you to the right answer

During the Dive, you’ll have a few people in the room to help you:

  • A moderator. This person makes sure the workshop runs smoothly and directs everybody through the week.
  • A solution architect. This is an expert in modern systems. They’re there to check whether your idea is even possible with current technology.
  • A user experience expert. On the other side of things, your user experience expert is there to make sure your idea works from a user’s perspective. Is there a simpler answer? Does this appeal to how people think?

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