5 Ways to Overcome Cyber Security Challenges with Cloud Solutions - Stefanini

5 Ways To Overcome Cyber Security Challenges With Cloud Solutions

The cloud leads to breakthrough technological advances, but implementing it can bring on new security issues. Learn how to overcome cyber security challenges!

It’s official (and has been for a long time) – the cloud is no longer a trend. As cloud computing continues to evolve at groundbreaking speeds, it has also become critical in supporting the daily operations of most organizations. But with this evolution comes a whole new host of challenges that business and security leaders need to address if they want to use the cloud efficiently.

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The Need for Cloud Cyber Security

As organizations across the world transition from on-site data centers to storing data in the cloud, it only follows that security risks like data breaches can happen in real time. According to CPO Magazine, more and more businesses today are using cloud services to store confidential information via web applications. And from Amazon Web Services to Google Cloud Platform, there are so shortage of cloud service providers (CSPs).  However, it can be hard to choose the right CSP. While CSPs do provide a certain level of security, cloud-related security issues do happen.

It is important that CSP customers understand that they are also responsible for implementing the right level of information security controls. However, the cloud environment is diverse and complex, which impedes a consistent approach to deploying and maintaining core security controls. Because of this reality, it is crucial that organizations know of and fulfill their responsibility for securing cloud services to successfully address the cyber threats that are aimed at the cloud environment.

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5 Most Pressing Cloud-Based Cyber Security Challenges

Fortunately, there are plenty of measures organizations can take to protect clouds. Get started by developing a threat intelligence strategy that addresses the following cloud security challenges:

1.      Cloud Migration

Most enterprise workloads are now running on public, private or hybrid cloud environments; in fact, Gartner had previously predicted that the shift to cloud computing services will generate roughly $1.3 trillion in IT spending by 2022. However, organizations that rush to adopt the cloud may overlook security issues that expose critical assets. To safely migrate to the cloud, it’s crucial to:

a.      Migrate in stages – mistakes are more likely to happen earlier in the process. To minimize potential damage, start by moving non-critical or redundant data.

b.      Research your CSP’s practices – get a deep understanding of how your data is stored and protected before choosing your CSP.

c.      Maintain operational continuity and data integrity – try to minimize as much disruption to business operations as possible!

d.      Manage risk associated with lack of visibility and control during transition, implement breach and attack simulation software. This approach will expose any hidden vulnerabilities, misconfigurations, and user activity that be hacked for malicious purposes.

2.      Master Identity and Access Management (IAM)

Robust security starts with effectively managing and clarifying the roles, privileges, and responsibilities of network users. Here, technology provides a necessary boost with end-to-end solutions that identify governance and management. Yet, these security tools do not fully mitigate human error. Therefore, it’s crucial to have a layered and active approach to managing and mitigating security vulnerabilities that will inevitably occur. Enhance your security posture by permitting only the minimal amount of access necessary to perform tasks.

3.      Vendor Relationships

While CSPs are a great asset to a business, third-party vendors unfortunately raise cyber security risks. In fact, a 2018 Ponemon Institute study found that nearly 60% of companies surveyed had encountered a breach due to a third-party. With adversaries targeting large enterprises’ smaller partners, it’s necessary to vigorously and securely manage third-party relations in the cloud. Get started by developing appropriate guidance for SaaS operations (like sourcing and procurement solutions) in addition to undertaking periodic vendor security evaluations.

4.      Insecure APIs

Successful cloud integration and interoperability relies on APIs. Yet, compromised APIs can lead to the theft of valuable private data. The threat is so serious that Gartner has predicted that by 2022, insecure APIs will be the vector most commonly used to target enterprise application data. As APIs grow more critical, expect attackers to leverage tactics like exploiting inadequate authentications or planting vulnerabilities within open source code, which creates the possibility of damaging supply chain attacks. Circumvent these risks by asking developers to design APIs that prioritize proper multi factor authentication and access control. At the same time, work to cultivate as much visibility as possible into the security environment. This tactic will allow for the quick identification and remediation of potential API risks.

5.      Limited User Visibility

Those who are in charge of protecting the cloud environment should be able to tell when unauthorized access occurs. It only follows that a top priority for organizations should be controlling shadow IT and maintaining better user visibility with behavior analytics. Overcome the lack of visibility found in many cloud environments by adopting a security posture that is constantly under review and supported by continuous testing and monitoring.

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Stefanini Knows Cyber Security and the Cloud

When your organization’s most critical data is involved, there’s no such thing as a minor breach in network security. The cloud is no exception. And when Stefanini helps your organization migrate to the cloud, you can be assured that our first priority is the security of your data. With more than 15 years of global experience in the cyber security sector, we have the tools and personnel needed to ensure the success of your business’ transition.

Our Cloud Now! suite includes security audits that ensure your cloud environment is properly monitored and maintained. Further, through a no-ops approach and by using no-shore, virtual, 100% distributed teams, we provide data security and collaboration tools and techniques, among other benefits.

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