8 Effective Digital Marketing Strategies to Boost Your Online Visibility - Stefanini

8 Effective Digital Marketing Strategies To Boost Your Online Visibility

What does the future hold for digital marketing? More importantly, is your digital marketing strategy ready for the future?

Nowadays, technology and digital marketing are as intertwined as peanut butter and jelly. And if you’re looking to drive customer engagement and raise brand awareness, thereby generating leads, we invite you try our tips below to bolster your marketing efforts.

Want to drive growth in 2022? Try our digital marketing tricks here!

8 Digital Marketing Strategies Essential For Your Campaign

There are plenty of digital marketing tactics out there – how do you know which one is right for you? We offer eight different types that boost marketing strategies, cater to customer services, and more:

1.      Media PerformanceNow, more than ever before, the world is engaging, communicating, and sharing on different media platforms. However, in order to connect with your users, you will need more than just a Twitter account. You need to be just as innovative and agile as the world we live in.

We create customized solutions for your business through innovatively combining the worlds of marketing and technology, while keeping a big-picture focus on end-user experience. We’ll help your business reach new heights through analytics, business strategy, data visualization, research, and user experience.

2.      Brand PerformanceBrand performance is what happens when desirability and profitability collide, inspiring top-line growth and reducing costs to improve the bottom line. In our new age of constant connectivity, knowing how to present your business and connect with end users is a must. With our global digital capabilities and big-picture vision, we will holistically examine your unique business and innovate your brand to new heights through analytics, buzz and monitoring, data visualization, research, and digital strategy.

3.      Engagement and Loyalty – With our proven expertise, insights, and digital marketing tools, Stefanini will help build lasting relationships with your users. By bridging the gap between marketing and IT services, Stefanini will transform your business across four dimensions: customer engagement and connectivity, automation and straight through processing, knowledge and decision, and innovation, speed, and agility.

4.      Digital Media and Communications – We aim to continuously improve your marketing strategy to ensure your business thrives with better brand awareness, engagement, loyalty, and interactions. As your partner throughout the digital transformation, we will be at your side for full-lifecycle assistance as we help you pinpoint the needs of your customers and how you can work to better fulfill those needs.

5.      Digital VisibilityOur work on strategic planning in digital marketing aims to impact people, gain new customers (or transform leads into clients), develop your brand, connect with your target audience through digital channels and improve the user experience. Our solutions include market intelligence, user experience and research, data analytics, and more.

6.      Data Insights – Today, the search for updated and contextualized data is fundamental and must be constant. We apply process efficiency and methodologies developed from data analysis to gain insights related to delivery scalability, efficiency, and more.

7.      User Experience – Through our Discover, Define, Develop and Deliver methodology, we pinpoint your customers’ needs and problems. We then brainstorm solutions to solve these issues, all in a transparent, cohesive way.

8.      Customer Lifecycle – Our solutions are designed for engagement and tailored to each phase of the customer lifecycle. We generate loyal customers by studying actions taken at each phase of this journey, then recommending the best plan of action.

What Makes Up a Succesful Marketing Strategy?

Unlike a traditional marketing strategy, digital marketing strategies help your business achieve long-term, specific digital goals through online marketing channels like paid ads, earned, and owned media. However, like a traditional marketing strategy, your strategy for digital marketing should take into consideration what your business is currently doing well and what its missing in regards to your objectives.

When creating a digital marketing strategy, it is important to think about the following characteristics:

1.      Create a realistic framework – map out a plan that includes several realistic outcomes that leave room for uncertainty. These outcomes should be based on a set of chosen key performance indicators (KPIs) related to your business goals and strategy.

2.      Identify appropriate KPIs – choosing the best KPIs for your strategy will help you stay on target and identify which of your marketing actions are working.  When choosing KPIs, think about how they relate to your target goal, what they are measuring, and how much you’ll need to monitor and report on them. Remember, at the end of the day, you’re collecting data, but human behavior is the factor affecting your ROI.

3.      Build an effective funnel – the buyers’ journey typically includes phases that cover outreach, conversion, closing, and retention. Outreach, brand awareness, and engagement (like email marketing, social media marketing, landing pages, and paid advertising) typically happen at the top of the funnel, so make sure your marketing here is highly engaging. Obviously, the goal is to have a high rate of conversions, but don’t be discouraged if conversions don’t happen right away! This is why your strategy is an ongoing process that welcomes refinement.

4.      Create effective content – when creating content to bolster your content marketing, it’s important that you’re up-to-date on current marketing trends. It’s suggested that you build your core ads and service offerings first, then write content with CTAs that lead users toward a purchase. Further, you should know how your content is working with regards to SEO and analytics patterns. At the end of the day, make sure you’re offering content that is relevant, relatable, and useful for your audience!

5.      Be strategic, but flexible – when creating your digital marketing plan, leave ample room for time fluctuations and unexpected events that might affect your core workload. As your plan unfolds, make sure you are continually monitoring it and looking for areas that can be improved.

6.      Create content that is evergreen – with “evergreen content,” you have content that only needs to be created once and can then be used for multiple purposes and across multiple channels. By repurposing content, you’ll build a library of core pieces that can be developed alongside your business message and goals.

7.      Visualize a clear direction – make sure you have a clear understanding of how content is used throughout the funnel and the types of results you expect. At the end of your digital marketing campaign or project, you should compare your expected results with the actual results, so that when you create a new strategy you’ll understand what works and what doesn’t better.

Which digital marketing trends do you need to know for 2022? Check out our round-up here!

Get Closer to Your Customers with Stefanini

Our digital marketing solutions focus on strategy, data science, media, and advertising and leverage data intelligence to boost business, connect people, and create experiences. Using our expertise, best practices, and statistical techniques, we produce actionable business insights based on data mining and predictive models. Our insights are further solidified through research and analytics.

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