6 Digital Marketing Solutions and Trends for 2023 - Stefanini

6 Digital Marketing Solutions And Trends For 2023

2020 has been a challenging year; use this time to get prepared for 2021 by putting into place a marketing strategy. Get tips on digital marketing solutions! 

Like it or not, we are almost at the end of another year. Though 2020 has certainly been more challenging than we could have anticipated, life has gone on and with it, ways of doing business have transformed. When it comes to marketing, the focus on digital trends and innovation has gotten even more attention since so much of our lives are spent virtually now.

There is no better time than right now to start reviewing changes in digital marketing, website design, technology and platforms so that you can identify new opportunities that any agile marketing agency and digital marketing solutions company can tap into. Why wait? Get a head start on your marketing plan for 2021 with the following trends in mind…

Which trends were popular at the start of the year? See where you stand by reading our perspective!

The Top Digital Marketing Solutions and Trends for 2021

As we mentioned, 2020 has completely changed the way businesses operate, introducing new ideas when it comes to working remotely, attracting audiences, and engaging with customers. While we wait for the “new normal” to settle in, companies should take advantage of this time to tackle the rest of the year and get their 2021 strategy in place. Forbes suggests the following approaches:

1.      Begin selling your products and services early: just because the calendar flips to January 1, 2021 doesn’t guarantee customer acquisition. Before the New Year even arrives, you should have your goals in place. While it’s a great idea to have different strategies in place for 2021, your marketing practices should be built upon a foundation that encompasses existing trials and errors. If you start planning your marketing campaigns, sales, and social posts now, you will be more than ready to hit the ground running once the clock strikes midnight on 2021.

2.      Start leveraging e-commerce: while many other types of organizations have taken huge hits to their bottom line, many e-commerce businesses have seen an influx in traffic. It’s clear that in our new normal, most people are going to continue to purchase goods and services online even as public areas continue to open. If you haven’t already, now may be time to set up an e-commerce shop on your website to allow your customers to easily access your products and services while browsing online. By leveraging the power of search engine optimization (SEO) in your organization’s campaigns, you have a better chance of reaching your target audiences during your online marketing efforts. Your goal should be to make the purchasing experience as easy as possible for them once they arrive at your website.

3.      Take advantage of nonlinear journeys: don’t limit your efforts to social media campaigns; as digital marketing channels become savvier, linear click paths – defined as the situations in which a customer sees an ad and heads to the store to buy the product – are no longer relevant. Today’s consumers often encounter Google search ads that are personalized to their needs thanks to current technological algorithms that understand what the consumer is searching for and when they are doing their searching. By harnessing the power of data, this form of technology can better discern customer thoughts and behaviors, resulting in a more satisfying customer experience.  Nonlinear journeys also have the ability to continue well beyond social media marketing by incorporating traditional TV and radio advertisements alongside ads on voice-driven devices. To keep your products and services in front of the right audience, work to embrace nonlinear journeys and everything that they make possible.

4.      Incorporate marketing automation: the coming year promises to bring even more technologies to which organizations will need to adapt, such as new tools that will enable better personalization and advertising customization. You’ll be able target a prospect’s interests or actions with cost-effective, highly strategic, and tailor-made messaging. And if you’re new to marketing automation, it may be time to get on board; according to a 2017 Salesforce study, 67 percent of successful marketers were already using a marketing automation platform, while 21 percent planned to use one in the next few years.

5.      Use Google Tag Manager: you’re likely familiar with the many free marketing tools offered by Google and Google Tag Manager is the next one to add to your repertoire. With this tool, you can make data-driven decisions without bugging your developers. Tag Manager integrates with Google Ads, Google Analytics, LinkedIn Campaign Manager, Facebook Business Manager, and other third-party advertising platforms where you can share the knowledge your company has to offer.

6.      Create content for humans, not bots: today’s search engines once relied upon looking for exact keywords and phrases, which meant that websites produced bland, difficult to read content in order to appeal to these engines. Now, search engines are intelligent enough to gather context clues from your writing and thus, can supply relevant search results, which also lessens the time you have to spend on keyword research. This gives you more room to be creative, innovative and focus on web design that matters.

We have digital marketing services that accelerate marketing activity. Learn more about them here!

Stefanini’s Marketing Solutions Create ‘WOW’ Experiences

In an increasingly connected world, your approach to marketing must be just as integrated. We will create customized solutions for your business by innovatively combining the worlds of marketing and technology, while keeping the focus on end-user experience.

We work to continuously improve your marketing strategy to ensure your business thrives with better interactions, engagement, loyalty, and brand awareness. Ready to get started on your digital marketing strategy for 2021? Reach out today!

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