SAP Infrastructure Evolution & Management for Engineering Sector - Stefanini

SAP Infrastructure Evolution & Management For Engineering Sector

Client Description

A major Swiss company producing high-productivity manufacturing systems and high-precision milling tools.

The customer has a significant presence in Europe, North America and Asia. It is a partner of companies in the automotive, pharmaceutical, medical device, consumer goods, writing instruments and watch-making industries.

Geographical area of ​​ support: EMEA, NORTH AMERICA, ASIA.

Client Challenges

The Company was looking for a technology partner who could support it for:

  • the adoption and implementation of new technologies
  • the maintenance of the systems portfolio at the highest levels of availability
  • optimization with improvement interventions included in a defined scope of intervention

The partner must be aligned with the needs of the business and able to respond to new business requirements with speed and flexibility. Solutions

After a general assessment of the SAP ecosystem and existing processes, an offer was prepared including a complete assortment of interventions, capable of covering all the needs expressed by the SAP ecosystem itself The consolidated expertise has made it possible to make a series of improvement proposals relating to the SAP ecosystem in terms of:

  • Safety
  • Standardization
  • Uniformity
  • Architecture consolidation

The Results


  • State-of-the-art SAP systems
  • Periodically scheduled and modulated interventions


  • Harmonized processes
  • Unified reporting for all systems
  • Innovation

Incident Monitoring and Resolution

  • Monitoring of the entire SAP ecosystem
  • Automatic alerting upon the manifestation of high-impact incidents
  • Decrease of incident resolution times
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