IT Infrastructure & Operations for Communication Services - Stefanini

IT Infrastructure & Operations For Communication Services

Client Description

A global group for the design, manufacture and marketing of motor vehicles.

Client Challenges

The Company uses various IT providers and System Integrators to ensure and its support business needs (vehicle production at EMEA plants) There was a need for System Integrators and providers to ensure and control various IT areas to support the production plants. Solutions

The recognized technical background and managerial experience of the Infrastructure team led to the drafting of the IT infrastructure guidelines, processes and necessary configurations, following the detailed assessment of existing applications, in order to guarantee the expected SLAs. In particular:

  • Assessment
  • Incident resolution
  • Problem Investigation
  • Problem solution
  • Security
  • Lifecycle mangement
  • Procurement
  • Capacity

The Results

Reduction of Costs and Incidents

  • Reduction of hardware costs
  • Reduction of costs caused by production losses or inefficiencies
  • Incidents reduced by 80% over a 2-year period


  • Harmonized processes
  • Unified reporting for the entire group
  • Technological Observatory
  • Innovation
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