Stefanini Scala Propels Your Business into the Digital Age - Stefanini

Stefanini Scala Propels Your Business Into The Digital Age

2018 has been a positive year for technology, with companies embracing and implementing IT solutions such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), social networks, cloud computing, Big Data and Internet of Things (IoT) to help drive digital transformation. Admittedly, many organisations are starting down the path, sometimes with an eye to improving the user experience (UX) or progress levels, but specific implementations vary considerably from industry to industry.

Digital transformation is imperative for businesses of all sizes. Feeling unclear about what ‘digital transformation’ actually means? You’re not alone.  Is it just a catchy way of saying ‘migrate to the cloud’? What are the specific steps that need to be taken? Do we need to design new jobs to help us create a framework for digital transformation? And is it worth it?

Put simply, ‘digital transformation’ refers to the integration of digital technology into all areas of a business, fundamentally changing how you operate and deliver value to customers. It’s also a cultural change that requires organisations to continually challenge the status quo, experiment and get comfortable with failure. This sometimes means walking away from long-standing business processes that companies were built upon, in favour of relatively new practices that are still being defined.

It’s crucial to gain new skills that facilitate the development and implementation of digital strategies, to ensure an alignment between business and IT strategies. This is where Stefanini Scala can help you. Our proposition focuses on value creation, seeking to take advantage of innovation to increase profitability and sustainability in the new digital economy.

At Stefanini Scala, we specialise in business solutions, via IT, focusing on the implementation of technological approaches and have facilitated tailored projects to companies of all sizes, across multiple sectors. We offer the complete lifecycle of a project, offering businesses a helping hand from start to finish. From technical consulting and scenario management, to support and licensing, our teams are constantly innovating to help businesses understand the best possible solutions.

Stefanini Scala boasts a plethora of accolades including working as one of IBM’s main partners not only in the Americas, but globally. It is also recognised as Dynatrace’s biggest partner in Brazil. The extended partnerships seek to increase customer experience, based on the real-time monitoring of user behaviours across multiple channels.

Scala focuses on solutions with IBM software and has a specific solution for each business area, focusing on change and innovation. Our solutions have been developed and applied in key market segments including banks, hospitality, financial services, government, health, telecoms and retail.

Scala solution accelerates financial processes in banks

The financial services sector has fully embraced digital transformation, with many businesses implementing digital processes to bolster performance. Commerzbank, for example, recently experimented with AI technology that automatically generates reports to see if it can write basic analyst notes, as Mifid II forces banks across the world to trim costs. Scala’s Framework streamlines the implementation of business needs, based on processes, rules, integration and monitoring to help reduce costs and time for deployment.

Scala solution facilitates high volume processing in supply chain – Big Data

Today, businesses capture and store a significant amount of data, but information is often lost because it isn’t structured, aggregated or summarised. In fact, some of the biggest trends we’ve seen over the past few years have directly related to the management of data. IBM Cognos Express provides a range of planning solutions and integrated business intelligence, developed to meet the needs of companies to provide accessibility and collaboration of many users. The solution helps create reports and dashboards for billing, sales, targets, inventory control and purchasing, enabling a high volume of unstructured data to be managed easily.

As technology evolves exponentially, it intertwines more with our processes, both physical and thought related, with increasing sophistication. In the correct hands, it will drive efficiencies and increase productivity and quality, meaning the years ahead will see greater adoption and implementation. Now’s the time to embrace technology and get ahead of the innovation curve – the digital revolution is here.

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