Stefanini Promotes Cyber Resilience at Cybersec Europe - Stefanini

Stefanini Promotes Cyber Resilience At Cybersec Europe

Stefanini is set to raise awareness of the importance of building cyber resilience at Cybersec Europe, which takes 11-12 May at the Brussels Expo.

Stefanini will promote the importance of cyber resilience via its own booth at the event, which aims to facilitate knowledge sharing on the key cybersecurity issues facing businesses in Europe, alongside promoting innovation and helping with the fight against cyber crime.

Key themes at this year’s Cybersec Europe include security awareness, innovation, operational technology security and transformation and automation. Sessions within these themes will cover the importance of investing in cybersecurity, the role of Operational Techology (OT) Security, the importance of raising awareness about cybersecurity, the role of innovation and the power of international partnerships.

“Everything from the growth of online retail to the increase in remote working and the growing sophistication of cybercrime means it’s never been more important to take a proactive approach to cybersecurity. Not investing in this area can cause significant damage to businesses – both financially and reputationally. We’re delighted we can bring the message to Cybersec Europe that a proactive approach to building cyber resilience has become a crucial part of any company’s success strategy in today’s environment,” says Alex Bertea, Chief Cybersecurity Strategist at Stefanini EMEA.

Stefanini’s participation in Cybersec Europe follows the launch of its joint venture with Cyber Smart Defence, one of the most dynamic cybersecurity companies in Romania, as well as the launch of its new SOC in Bucharest, which provides a comprehensive portfolio of cybersecurity services to clients across EMEA.

These launches built on an extensive global cybersecurity offering, which was established in 2016 through a joint venture with the Israeli cybersecurity company Rafael Advance Defense Systems.

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