Stefanini is the Fifth Most Internationalized Company According to the 2018 FDC Ranking - Stefanini

Stefanini Is The Fifth Most Internationalized Company According To The 2018 FDC Ranking

We are named as the fifth most internationalized company for the fourth consecutive year, according to the FDC Ranking of Brazilian Multinational Companies 2018, published by Fundação Dom Cabral—one of the most prestigious, autonomous nonprofit organizations committed to excellence in executive education. In its 13th edition, the research now called “Trajectories of Internationalization of Brazilian Companies,” reflects on the international movement of Brazilian companies of various sizes, sectors and levels of internationalization, exploring their international strategies, results achieved and trends in expansion.

According to FDC, we lead in the number of countries where we operate, and we are second with the highest index of assets – percentage of assets located abroad in relation to the total value. We also occupy the fifth position, in which the criterion evaluated is the percentage of employees of international subsidiaries in relation to the total number of employees in the company. In addition, Stefanini came in seventh place in the revenue index.

FDC’s research considered four pillars: challenges and competitiveness of Brazilian companies; highlights of internationalization of Brazilian companies; diagnosis of expansion capacity; political context and trends of internationalization. According to Profª Lívia Barakat, one of the authors of the study, the knowledge generated is made available annually to companies, entrepreneurs, executives, government institutions and the academic community in Brazil and abroad, since the Dom Cabral Foundation believes in the positive impacts of dissemination of the knowledge generated to strengthen the global competitiveness of Brazilian companies.

In its 13th edition, the study includes companies with capital control and management that are mostly Brazilian and internationally active through sales offices, distribution centers, assembly, manufacturing, service rendering, bank branches/financial services, research and development. The degree of internationalization of multinationals is measured by a combination of the transnationality index developed by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD).

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