Stefanini Announces 3 New Ways to Achieve Digital Transformation - Stefanini

Stefanini Announces 3 New Ways To Achieve Digital Transformation

Our new transformation offer includes services like Future Labs, Co-Creation programs, Innovation Labs, and Agile Cultural Transformation programs.

The market is increasingly becoming more demanding, with significant changes potentially having a positive impact on the business ecosystem across industries. However, in a VUCA world (Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, and Ambiguous) like the one we face today, companies that want to survive need to create a purposeful movement that seeks innovation and generates sustainable results in an uncertain environment. 

It is with this vision that we have structured a whole new approach to our digital transformation offers, leveraging business strategy with new logical actions and consequently, new results.

Have you ever visited one of our Co-Innovation Centers? Learn more here!

Introducing Co-Creation Design Solutions

Our brand new series of end-to-end offers serve all the moments of digital transformation customers want. Focused on business model innovation, this portfolio encompasses everything from strategic visions to new solutions and projects. Called “Co-Creation Design Solutions,” a co-creation structure is built into this approach and includes the following initiatives: Future Labs, Co-Creation Programs, Innovation Labs, and Agile Cultural Transformation.

Future Labs

This offer seeks to support companies with building insights into the performance model from the perspective of the future market. In addition to building a future-facing strategy, Future Labs also show participants how to “hack” new forms of performance that are required by current market conditions and trends. Together, we work with clients to address these challenges in a more forceful and structured way, triggering profitable and relevant digital transformation in the process.

“In other words, it is managing and improving the business at its current stage to achieve its specific, future-facing goals. Our objective is to define a purpose, like leveraging business results at a certain level. With a single approach, we build paths to reach the promises of future business, ” explains Mary Ballesta, our Global Director of Innovation and Digital Business.

Innovation Labs

But how can we materialize initiatives that lead to the acquisition of an innovation portfolio within a company? Here comes the Innovation Labs, which bring this vision to life with the construction of innovation areas that combine process with the whole vision of co-creation programs, which accelerate assembling the portfolio. In this respect, it is necessary to define management by creating a map of acts and governance of innovation, highlighting the co-creation stages, and defining the so-called ‘innovation funnel’. With that approach, we start with the structuring, training, and monitoring of teams in view of the new cycle.

Agile Cultural Transformation

To complete this movement of change, it is necessary to create engagement to generate a solid understanding of the innovation process, which can be found in Agile Cultural Transformation. This offer brings together a way of rethinking, operating differently, and causing similar engagement in all areas of the organization. Generally, the objective is to move the company toward a vision of structural, scaled, and consistent innovation.

“We built a global ecosystem that allows us to co-create in a flexible and agile way to face business challenges and develop more disruptive solutions and performance formats,” Mary adds. “We support the development of a strategy that considers the need to create, to understand how continuous change is, and to act by leveraging results with the increased potential that technology offers.”

We are constantly leveraging our complete innovation ecosystem to build a better future. Learn more about us!

Stefanini is Your Partner in Co-Creation

With these offers, we can effectively participate in the areas of Innovation, Business, and Strategic Planning with clear objectives and according to the needs of the market. Additionally, we will continue to cause disruptions as a strategic partner for each of our customers.

Are you looking for a strategic partner to define your path to digital transformation? Look no further. Let’s talk!

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