Next Gen Application Management Services - Stefanini

Next Gen Application Management Services

Application Management Services (AMS) is no longer about simply ‘keeping the lights on’.

Increasingly, businesses are looking for a more sophisticated offering from their AMS providers. Now, AMS is expected to act less as a reactive way to troubleshoot problems and more as a proactive way to gain a strategic view of the future, while ensuring a company’s use of applications is delivering maximum value on an ongoing basis.

It’s this approach that we’ve embraced at Stefanini, helping our clients develop a plan for the future to stay on track by moving beyond traditional application management to look at the whole ecosystem.

This means rather than replacing a light bulb if it pops, we’re finding and fixing any underlying problem – while stopping issues arising in the first place.

Solving tickets and troubleshooting issues remains important, but a more strategic approach to improving future performance and the user experience, while generating true value, is increasingly in demand.

True expertise and genuine value

This more mature approach to AMS typically involves more consultancy and service design. As an additional layer to solving tickets and troubleshooting problems, there is significant value in AMS providers creating and suggesting new services that are relevant for the customer.

At Stefanini, this approach is based on our wealth of previous experience and our capacity to analyze, design and implement new services and new features, which includes our extensive experience in the specific industries in which our clients operate.

By providing end-to-end monitoring, we also gain insight into the whole picture, shifting our focus from simple customer satisfaction to overall user experience.

Built around business agility

We also believe in an Applications Management Services approach that accounts for the need for business agility. That means we align your operational KPIs with business KPIs to keep you on track in a way that is determined by your company strategy.

This can also mean elevating what is being measured and what success looks like – which extends far beyond simply ensuring an application is working. KPIs can be set around how many new customers are registering on site, or reducing the customer dropout percentage by improving the user interface. Project fees can also be adjusted based on these KPIs, guaranteeing a real ROI for clients.

Long-term partnerships

Ultimately, the most successful AMS partnerships are built on a sophisticated approach combined with a long-term deep-level partnership.

More than 40% of our AMS engagements were initiated more than 10 years ago, and are continuously evolving. This close partnership allows us to go far beyond maintaining existing operations but to act as transformation consultants, building better ways of working that enhance profitability and the user experience. With a sophisticated approach underpinning a deep partnership, AMS extends far beyond a reactive service to become a proactive and strategic way to maximize business value.

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