Could AI Be the Secret to Increasing Your Customer Engagement? - Stefanini

Could AI Be The Secret To Increasing Your Customer Engagement?

One tap and a pizza arrives on your doorstep. A few swipes and you’re connected to your next date. A single click and the latest New York Times bestseller is winging its way to you. Yet behind those simple, speedy customer experiences is a vast technological ecosystem of interconnected applications and processes.

Most companies develop and evaluate their external experience and internal systems quite separately. The business and marketing teams focus on how customers are behaving, analysing things like user feedback, social sentiment and web, mobile and behavioral analytics data, while the operations and development teams focus on how the IT systems are behaving, examining issues such as system health, load time, inactivity and mean time to repair. But how often do those teams talk to one another and look together at the big picture, consolidating the data on user experience and system performance to understand the whole impact on consumers?

This more integrated approach to improving customer experience, known as digital-performance management (DPM), is exactly what we’re beginning to explore in partnership with world-leading performance management software company Dynatrace. DPM solutions enable every single piece of data captured during a customer visit to be displayed in real-time on one integrated, AI-powered, fully-automated dashboard. While different teams can explore the data from different angles and at different depths, it allows everyone to access the same information at the same time.

It’s a vital step up from traditional application performance management (APM), which lets you know whether or not your systems are running smoothly but can’t tell you how those systems are affecting CTRs, revenue generation, or customer lifetime value. DPM solutions are designed to not only give you more in-depth knowledge of user behaviors, allowing you to find out how successfully your latest features are adopted by your customers and know if you’ve optimized the right entry points, but to also offer insight into the interaction between the customer and the application. The AI capabilities of this kind of integrated dashboard also detect anomalies before they affect your customers and allow you to find out where and why applications break in just seconds. Reduced repair time means fewer customer gripes and lower threat to lost revenue.

And it’s not just about integrating your systems – a DPM approach can also help bring your teams together. When all key stakeholders can see the same data, at the same time, their thinking and their work is bound to be more joined up, meaning that better and more informed decisions can be made and issues can be responded to collaboratively, in real time.

Ultimately, it’s not hard to see why something that helps to better align infrastructure and operations with your business goals–on both a system and human level–is well-placed to have a positive impact on customer engagement.

We are thrilled to announce that we are working on a new partnership with Dynatrace in Portugal, following our combined success working on projects across the globe with the company, including in Brazil.

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