Stefanini Takes Center Stage at ITES 2023: Leading the Way in Innovative Technologies - Stefanini

Stefanini Takes Center Stage At ITES 2023: Leading The Way In Innovative Technologies

Stefanini is thrilled to announce its pivotal role in the upcoming Innovative Technologies Executive Summit (ITES) 2023 organized by the Le Cercle IT community, set to unfold in the picturesque backdrop of Deauville, France on 20-22 September. This exclusive conference brings together C-level decision-makers, dedicated to the French market and it presents an unparalleled opportunity for us to showcase our prowess and interact with the leaders across industries within the French market.

Representing Stefanini at this prestigious event will be two exceptional leaders, Raluca Tentea our Commercial Director for France and Samy Farza Head of HCI – Modern Enterprise Services at Stefanini EMEA. With their profound expertise in IT solutions, they are poised to unveil our capabilities and demonstrate how Stefanini continues to be a catalyst in the IT industry’s evolution within the French market.

Key Strengths at Stefanini:

Innovation Catalyst: We are pioneers in technological innovation, providing solutions that revolutionize industries and future-proof businesses within the French market.

Global Footprint: Stefanini’s worldwide presence enables us to deliver IT solutions that transcend borders while catering to the unique needs of the French market.

Client-Centric Approach: Our relentless focus on understanding our French clients’ unique challenges enables us to deliver tailor-made solutions, setting us apart in the industry.

Digital Transformation: We are the architects of seamless digital transformations, ensuring French organizations remain competitive in the ever-evolving digital era.

At ITES event, our primary aim is to deepen existing relationships, foster new collaborations, and share our wealth of knowledge with fellow industry leaders in the French market. Through active engagement and the exchange of experiences, we aim to collectively push the boundaries of innovation and bolster the IT sector’s growth in France.

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