Ensuring Availability of Business Services with Remote Infrastructure Management - Stefanini

Ensuring Availability Of Business Services With Remote Infrastructure Management

Remote Infrastructure Management is becoming increasingly prevalent as we move into the digital revolution.  Historically, companies managed their entire IT infrastructure from their own premises. Fast forward to today and following technological advancements, this model is seemingly inadequate, with business lines more demanding. With processes and services interconnected across different delivery models like cloud, hybrid and on premise, any failure in one specific component can impact the overall operation, driving the complexity of Remote Infrastructure Management beyond current capacities, skills, experience.

Organisations require instant scalability and cost-effective IT infrastructure management. This is where the need for Remote Infrastructure Monitoring and Management (RIMM) services arise. RIMM not only saves valuable time resolving errors and server issues, but also enhances the efficiency of networks and IT administrators with real time information.

Providing individual solutions isn’t an IT team’s only priority. IT support also needs to monitor and ensure the performance and availability of business processes. This is where we come in.

How do you know if your organisation is proactively prepared for – and able to flexibly respond to – unplanned events? Is your business resilient enough to rapidly react to potentially costly man-made or natural disruptive events? Should a crisis occur, we can help protect your business and potential revenue. How? By assessing the risks, developing a tailored business resilience strategy, safeguarding your business-critical information while maintaining continuous operations and enabling a virtually complete recovery.

Resilient and pre-emptive of risk – requirements for the modern business

Areas of concern that companies need to focus on include; enterprise and work area risk, availability of data and business applications, data backup and recovery, IT stability and recovery of IT infrastructure. Meeting these demands in a global economy means today’s organisations must be highly resilient and able to anticipate multiple risks.

Unplanned outages can create far-reaching consequences that impact long-term revenue, reputation and ultimately ensure survival. Forward-thinking leaders are experiencing a wake-up call, recognising that the probability and types of risk to business continuity are higher than commonly believed, so are taking steps to improve their capabilities. To ensure a viable future, adopting a smarter, proactive and comprehensive strategy is vital. RIMM allows your business to address the increased risk, complexity and cost of downtime with a more interconnected and intelligent approach.


At Stefanini, our priority is the availability of business services and the smooth integration of different systems into a streamlined process. We specialise in working to assimilate RIMM into a holistic operational model, based on IT Infrastructure Library (ITIL) practices[1], avoiding tower structures such as networks, data centres and cloud computing to optimise business practice.


When an organisation experiences business growth, it tends to expand its IT infrastructure, building multiple service towers or networks step by step.  However, it risks receiving multiple complaints about the applications or business services being offline or unreliable. Using unified monitoring platforms and services, linked to our service management office, we ensure that skilled people, tools and automation resolve issues and requests quickly. By implementing standardised processes, and systematic automation, we can increase speed and removing the human error from the equation.

We’re dedicated to delivering accurate insight into how your business services are operating, proactively using data to spot and mitigate issues, before the end-user is even aware. The RIMM system enables us to manage the back-end infrastructure to provide real-time service activity to supercharge business productivity and guarantee complete availability.

Our services help organisations take full advantage of the flexibility offered by RIMM services and further improve cost-savings. We offer multiple remote monitoring consoles, proactive staff and capabilities of monitoring and managing applications, databases, servers and devices. Furthermore, integration into our other services, e.g. IT service management, provides not only a technical service but also a completely interconnected facility.

Outsourcing RIMM services is a low risk, highly effective solution. This approach drives down costs while providing high end-user satisfaction and service quality. Today, the question is not if, but when to take control of your IT infrastructure, and how you can work with a company that understands business challenges to deliver results.

1.       https://www.cio.com/article/2439501/itil/infrastructure-it-infrastructure-library-itil-definition-and-solutions.html

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