Top 3 Ways to Implement Hyper Automation and Boost Business Performance - Stefanini

Top 3 Ways To Implement Hyper Automation And Boost Business Performance

Though some fear that hyper automation will replace jobs, in fact, it will create jobs. How can hyper automation boost your business performance? Read Trends!

You’re likely no stranger to automation. After all, automation has been used for decades in a wide range of industries to ensure quality and safety, reduce waste and increase productivity and efficiency. The next step involves emerging technologies such as big data analytics, AI and natural language processing being combined with automation to bring further improvements to business processes by dealing with more complex problems. When automation and intelligence meet, it is known as hyper automation.

Hyper automation, also known as cognitive or smart automation, is slowly making its way into every aspect of business. Enterprises are adopting hyper automation as it improves service and operational performance, gives businesses the ability to improve customer experience and employee engagement, and enables them to unlock new cost savings and develop new revenue streams through analytical insights.

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Using Technology to Automate Tasks

According to Biz Community, most decision-makers are familiar with the concept of automation or using technology to automate tasks that once required humans. Hyper-automation zooms in on this concept, applying advanced technologies that include artificial intelligence and machine learning to more rapidly automate processes and augment the skills HR provide the business.

Though some fear that hyper automation will replace jobs, in fact, it will create jobs. When sophisticated technologies take over much of the menial and administrative-heavy job functions of people at the organization, this gives them the freedom to apply higher cognitive thinking to their work and transform their roles within the organization.

We’re still in the early days of hyper automation, but many companies have experimented with elements of it, particularly robotic process automation (RPA). Here, technology enhances rather than replaces people’s jobs. Yet, for hyper automation to be effective at a business, the business must have the willingness to adapt to a changing environment and re- or upskill the people resources of businesses across sectors of industries.

Implementing Hyper Automation

According to Tech Radar, you can’t just put hyper automation into place willy-nilly – you need to have clearly defined objectives. Some factors you need to consider include security, maintainability and scalability, in addition to how easy it will be to train staff to use it. Without these clearly defined objectives, the project is likely to fail, growing mistrust in hyper automation and slowing companies’ digital transformations.

Businesses also need to focus on recruiting the right talent and investing in continually up-skilling them. In that vein, businesses should focus on partnering with universities so they can recruit the best talent straight from the university. They should look for workers who have the ability to work with data and those who have experience in data science. Further, businesses need to acquire the right data for each use case and ensure its quality. Hyper automation projects are destined to fail without the right amount of quality data. As they move toward a data-driven culture, organizations must make efforts to avoid data bias that could impact intelligence-based automation.

Automation Gets AI

When AI is added to automation, it brings complications in terms of compliance, legal and ethical responsibilities. Organizations should take steps to ensure that AI is explainable to ensure trust and prepare for any further regulations in the future. Collaborative tools that provide automation and cognitive services that can be tailored to specific roles within an enterprise are a great way for businesses to ensure they are staying one step ahead of these complications. Services that are the right fit can provide a framework that is explainable, transparent and that keeps humans aware of what’s going on.

Focus on the Benefits to Enact Change

In today’s ICT sector, hyper automation is considered to be one of the most important trends. After all, hyper automation made Gartner’s list of technological trends to watch in 2020. Companies looking to increase the speed at which they are digitally transforming need to be aware of hyper automation if they are seeking to remain competitive and relevant in the connected business environment.

More advanced markets have been open to utilizing hyper automation at their places of business. By focusing on the reasoning and the benefits of hyper automation, employees will benefit from more enhanced skills, allowing companies to derive more value from it. 

For example, the financial services sector is ready and waiting for hyper automation. Some companies are already utilizing RPA, with a few organizations already featuring more than 700 bots to conduct elements of automation. For manufacturing – a sector that is already quite lean with its resources – hyper automation ensures that people will become more productive, delivering the most value to companies.

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Of course, integrating hyper automation will present technical challenges since technology must collaborate with a majority of functions within an organization. To properly implement hyper automation, the focus must remain on its benefits and how technology will help overcome common business limitations. 

When it comes to hyper automation, companies need to take a holistic approach. This will allow organizations to pinpoint which of their processes are dated and need to be replaced, prioritizing the most important ones. Rather than blindly implementing technology into these processes, the focus should be on optimizing.

Hyper automation is set to be a significant business tool, but it must be implemented in the right way and managed properly to make sure people embrace the innovation it will bring.

Hyper Automate with Stefanini

Over the last three decades, as a result of our Latin American origins and global footprint, Stefanini has helped organizations in various industries build resilience in their businesses during economic downturns or social crises.

Because of the entrepreneurial spirit in our DNA, Stefanini is the ideal partner during business transformation, having learned to identify potential improvements in all areas of an organization.

For the implementation of these improvements, we have created an extensive portfolio of tools, methodologies and best practices to realize opportunities. Call us today to speak with an expert to see what solutions are available for your business.

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