Top 3 Benefits From Digital Visibility: How It Is the Core for Your Business' Growth - Stefanini

Top 3 Benefits From Digital Visibility: How It Is The Core For Your Business' Growth

It’s no secret that companies will benefit from digital transformation. But how can they benefit from digital visibility?

It’s no secret that companies will benefit from digital transformation. Yet, making the most of digital technologies is a challenge and not easily avoidable. It doesn’t help that the process of digital transformation is time-consuming and requires additional investments like financial and resourcing. Further, the outcome isn’t always easy to predict.

An issue across the board is that fact that digital transformation means different things to different individuals, so there can be confusion within the C-suite and IT teams as to what is the most cost-effective and secure way to complete the digital transformation. According to a blog post by IT Pro Portal, a 2016 report by IDC predicted that 70 per cent of siloed digital transformation initiatives would ultimately fail by 2018. The work of organizations can be complicated by poor decisions, especially when those companies are looking for unique ways to digitalize. These organizations need to prioritize visibility as it can help guide them through transformation challenges.

Want to learn how to win digital visibility? We can help!

Here are the top three benefits that visibility can bring to digital businesses:

1)      Optimize investment opportunities

When and if integrated efficiently, digital technologies can provide organizations with a heavy edge over competitors. At the core of this trend is cloud adoption, which enables companies to scale up faster and cut costs. Yet, while many organizations rush to the cloud, only a few consider its optimization or analyze its usage. According to ISACA Research, 32 percent of organizations do not calculate the ROI of their use of cloud computing, which suggests that companies may be significantly overpaying for the cloud. This is where digital visibility comes in as it helps to optimize digital strategy in accordance with the users’ needs and business objectives. Before integrating cloud technology, an organization needs to review the information assets and resources it currently has and how frequently they are used. These evaluations are highly important as they help set out which digital strategy is the best for individual enterprises.

2)      Tightened security

As an organization undergoes digital transformation, its IT infrastructure combines both traditional IT and the cloud for a hybrid environment. While most cloud providers offer their customers advanced security controls, the individual company must on its own secure its perimeter and systems that are aligned with its digital transformation goals. Within hybrid IT infrastructure, sensitive information is spread across cloud storages or applications, which leads to a larger threat surface. Therefore, since employees can now access cloud applications from different locations, the speed of its transition increases. Although this flexibility increases agility, it raises cyber security concerns. If a hacker is able to steal credentials to the corporate cloud storage, they will be able to access every branch of the organization. IT departments need advanced capabilities and tools to tighten the security of operations in hybrid IT infrastructure, as well as detect and mitigate all incidents with minimal disruption to custom expectations or business continuity.

Similarly, organizations also need to learn about existing threats and vulnerabilities. IT departments are able to achieve these goals with clear visibility. Implementation of specific methods to monitor user behavior within the entire infrastructure to enable IT staff to intervene immediately when suspicious access attempts take place. With digital changes comes a high-risk transitional period. Combined with tightened security and higher visibility, the likelihood of a seamless transition into secure digital transformation is much more likely.

3)    Increased productivity

An organization undergoing digital transformation typically acquires various technologies to improve its customer service. For instance, cloud technology lets companies use IT teams that have been outsourced so clients have access to a higher speed 24/7 customer service offering at a lower cost. Yet, this example requires an in-house IT team to control all changes that outsourced IT administrators might perform. A single wrong user permission might cause the IT team to terminate all business processes because they will need to find where the problem began within a complex IT infrastructure. So, in all likelihood, this downtime might cause a delay in processing customer orders, which may cause them to lose trust in the enterprise, and switching to a competitor.

Further, unwanted changes might also result in slow page loads, screen freezes, login errors, session disconnects and an overall poor user experience. These issues combined lead to an unhappy customer and potentially, a lost customer. Clear visibility allows IT departments to dive deep into the timeout root cause and identify who has changed what, where the change occurred, and when it was changed. Visibility provides an opportunity to streamline internal operations to the highest standard and revert unwanted changes operatively.

To further enable visibility and decrease security risks, the speed to deploy and improve performance with SaaS, the cloud, and business applications must be put at the forefront of these operations. Although digital technologies can help companies enhance services and overall transform, it is crucial to understand how the software and services that run the business work. As organizations are focusing on digital transformation, they are facing a technological landscape that is driving change across enterprise and constantly evolving. A core part of the process should be visibility, which will enable business leaders to understand how to scale up their businesses in the most efficient and suitable way.

Digitally Transform with Stefanini

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