Stefanini Named Top Business for Client Satisfaction in Infrastructure and Cloud Services - Stefanini

Stefanini Named Top Business For Client Satisfaction In Infrastructure And Cloud Services

Stefanini has received the highest client satisfaction score for Digital Workplace Services in the Infrastructure and Cloud square, in a new study from IT sourcing advisory and research firm S-Square.

The S-Square Partnership Benchmark 2021 report is based on a survey of more than 70 leading Belgian companies and government organizations and spans 170 contracts across applications, infrastructure and security services.

The report graded companies on scale/capability and client satisfaction, with Stefanini topping the charts for client satisfaction in Digital Workplace Services in the Infrastructure and Cloud square with a score of 4.2 that stands for Very satisfied, while businesses placing second and third scored 3.9 and 3.8 respectively.

S-Square noted that clients “uniformly praise” Stefanini for its “customer focus, service delivery, cultural fit and flexibility”.

Rik Demeulemeester, VP Business Development at Stefanini EMEA says: “At a time when so many businesses have needed to rely on partners to help them adapt to a disrupted and fast-changing landscape, we’re hugely proud to come out on top for client satisfaction as a result of our digital workplace offering and our customer focus and delivery.

“The entire team should feel deep pride that our efforts to support clients through some of the most turbulent years they’ve ever faced have been recognized in this way. This recognition will only serve as motivation to redouble our efforts when it comes to delivering an exceptional customer service, alongside our drive to continually innovate in order to ensure our clients are equipped to work efficiently and productively regardless of challenges posed by a disrupted landscape.”

Infrastructure and Cloud square covers cloud transformation, datacenter, workplace and service desk and excludes network management services.

S-Square is a sourcing advisory and analyst firm. S-Square’s advisory services span the entire sourcing lifecycle, including sourcing strategy, selection and contracting, as well as elevating ongoing collaboration between clients and service providers. Its annual Partnership Benchmark survey was created to provide deep insights into market trends and service provider positioning and performance.

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