Top 7 Cloud Myths You Should Know - Stefanini

Top 7 Cloud Myths You Should Know

When it comes to cloud computing, there are still a large number of myths surrounding it. These misconceptions, naturally, have their own consequences.

Myths can lead to a slowdown in any enterprise, cause unwarranted fear, and cause a delay in innovations. While, today we can say cloud computing is far more mainstream, especially when compared to five years ago, these myths continue to persist.

Cloud computing is all about the delivery of capabilities as a service, with a boundary that exists between the consumer and the service provider. Unfortunately, this environment has its lists of misunderstandings and myths, which it are important to debunk.

Amid all the hype and confusion that surrounds cloud computing, CIOs have to be able to separate fact from fiction; that way, they can better determine the myths they should be aware of for today and the future.

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7 Most Common Myths Enterprises Encounter

Myth #1: Only One Cloud Vendor or Strategy Is Required

With the increasing interest in multi-cloud, you will find that a large number of businesses still crave simplicity. However, cloud computing comes as a single package, which means any devised cloud strategy must bear that in mind. Cloud services are fairly extensive, encompassing a number of levels, scopes, models, and applications.

An effective cloud strategy is one that is capable of accommodating the use of additional cloud services. For this reason, organisations must understand that it is unrealistic to think they can source everything they require from a single vendor. There are those circumstances where a single cloud strategy may make sense, but in most cases, it does not.

Myth #2: The Cloud Is Just About Money

In certain situations, the cloud will save money, but that’s not the only reason why you may want to migrate over to the cloud. The most common reason why the cloud is so attractive is due to agility. Studies have shown that cost savings only accounts for 14 percent of the reasons why many organizations migrate over to the public cloud. Conserving money will, in most cases, end up being one of the many benefits.

However, in most cases, it’s best not to assume that you will always save money, unless you know for sure, meaning, if you’ve done the research and analysis. What you want to do is utilise the total cost of ownership and additional models on an individual basis, from which you can assess the implications of migrating from your capital expenditure over to operating expenditure. Most importantly, you don’t want to focus too heavily on finances, whether it’s running at a loss or a plus.

Myth #3: You Should Use the Cloud for Everything

There are many use cases where the cloud makes an excellent fit, such as in unpredictable or highly variable workloads, or in self-service provisioning. However, there are many workloads and applications that don’t fit well with the cloud. As an example, unless you know for sure that money will be saved, moving legacy applications is not advised.

The cloud is not always beneficial to every workload. For this reason, you should never be afraid to proffer different solutions, some of which may be non-cloud related.

Myth #4: Once on the Cloud, I am Done

There are several paths that one can take to the cloud; this ranges from re-hosting, which is usually through infrastructure as a service, to something more complete, like an application that has been implemented by a software-as-a-service (SaaS) provider. The cloud is both a piece of technology as well as an operating model. When an organization is able to find success through the use of the cloud, typically, they will adapt company operations to fully take advantage of everything the cloud has to offer.

If you want to take full advantage of the cloud’s capabilities, then you will need to have a sufficient understanding of the model and have expectations that are realistic. Once the workload has been migrated over, this can be seen as the beginning process. To take full advantage of the cloud, there must be a process of rewriting and refactoring. The ongoing performance management and costs will also be integral to the success of the migration. IT leaders and CIOs should never forget to implement post-migration activities as part of an overall cloud planning.

Myth #5: Cloud Is Not As Secure As On-Premises

For many, the cloud is considered less secure. However, up to today, the number of breaches to the public cloud have been minimal, while breaches to on-premises datacenters continue to rage on.

The best piece of advice I can offer you is for you to never assume that, just because it’s the cloud, it’s not as secure. That said, you should also not assume that the cloud is secure. What you want, is for the cloud service to demonstrate its capabilities to you; once you’re fully aware of them, only then can you may a more informed decision in trusting the service.

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Myth #6: Enterprises Are Moving Away From the Cloud

This idea that many workloads are being moved away from the cloud is definitely not true, and is nothing more than a rumor spread by legacy vendors that would love nothing more to benefit from this myth actually being true. The truth is, most enterprises are happy where they are and have little interest in moving things back. However, for those enterprises that have left the cloud, they have come from SaaS, rather than from cloud infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS).

This isn’t to propagate the lie that every cloud migration is a success; rather, it’s to explain the reality, that most organizations will tackle problems as and when they arise, rather than give up on their cloud strategy altogether and move everything back to how it was initially.

Myth #7: Lock-In Prevented With Multi-Cloud

In the vast majority of cases, a business will start off with just the one cloud provider; then, over time, they may become a little uneasy about being dependant on a single service provider. This will lead to them entertaining another service. This is referred to as multi-cloud. There is a functionality-based approach that can also be attributed to the multi-cloud. As an example, an organization may opt to use Google for big data and analytics, but use Amazon Web Services as its main cloud infrastructure provider.

It’s important that IT leaders don’t think that because they’ve implemented a multi-cloud approach, that it will address any issues centred on lock-in.

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Author bio: Uchenna Ani-Okoye is a former IT Manager who now runs his own computer support website called Compuchenna.

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