Most Effective Post-Pandemic B2B Lead Generation Strategies in Digital Marketing - Stefanini

Most Effective Post-Pandemic B2B Lead Generation Strategies In Digital Marketing

In a post-pandemic world, a solid lead generation strategy is key to business growth. B2B lead generation can help you build credibility and interest from your target audience to then produce quality leads.

In this blog post, we will discuss some of the best B2B lead generation strategies in digital marketing.

Post-Pandemic Best Lead Generation Strategies

1. Include Data Storytelling in Videos

Video has grown to become one of the most powerful digital marketing tools in the world. The accessibility of creating videos as well as the number of different platforms you can upload to has grown in the last decade.

It’s no surprise this is a major lead generation strategy to implement in the post-pandemic world, but, for B2B companies it’s different. Instead of creating videos that speak to the emotion of the viewer like you would in B2C businesses, B2B companies need to focus on data storytelling.

Being able to tell a story with data is one of the most persuasive ways to communicate with the C-suite. It’s also one of the best ways to show ROI and how your product or service can help them. When creating videos, make sure you focus on including data that tells a story and illustrates how your company can solve your audience’s problems.

2. Become Omnipresent in Social Media

The move to the digital space in the post-pandemic world was sudden and in bunches. Within two years, every company in the world needed to find a new way to create attention and find customers online.

With so many businesses flooding the digital world, it’s necessary now to be omnipresent in social media. That doesn’t mean being on every platform but rather, being very active on the platforms your target market uses the most.

Do some research and find out which social media platforms your target market spends the most time on. Then, create a strategy for how you’re going to be present on those platforms and consistently be in front of the eyes of the decision-makers.

3. Start Growing Your Email List

Create and grow an email list. It provides a cost-effective way to nurture warm leads interested in your products or services. A solid email campaign analyzes and tests which emails provide higher click-through-rates. From the subject line to the content, emails should be A/B tested for potential optimizations.

Beyond the content, you should also consider testing the frequency emails are sent out to subscribers. Constant emails keep your brand in front of potential customers, however, you want to avoid spamming their inboxes with unnecessary updates. B2B emails likely include newsletters and data points to build a connection with other businesses, rather than emotionally-driven B2C content.

4. Make Sure Your Website Reflects the Business

Face-to-face interactions are just a small percentage of what they used to be, so making an impression on your customers needs to start with your website. It’s the first place potential executives will go to check out who the business is and why they should reach out.

Your website needs to be fast, be informative, and be beautiful — with a design that reflects your brand. Their first impression holds a lot of weight and will likely determine if your products or services are worth pursuing.

Don’t forget the best way to catch the attention of a customer is to have them search for you online and find you organically. This means investing in SEO to get your brand at the top of search engines.

Need tips to design your website effectively? Check out our article here!

5. Use Chatbots on Your Site

Instead of having a call support team where potential customers can call your business and find out relevant information to their goals, live chat and chatbots have taken their place online.

Chatbots are computer programs that can mimic human conversation and they’re used on websites to help customers in real-time. This is a fantastic way to provide customer service without having to hire more people. Chatbots have been known to resolve issues faster than humans because they have all the information available to them at all times.

Live chat is where customers can chat with a team member in real-time to ask questions and get answers. This requires a team member to be present but will often have a higher close rate than with a chatbot.

Chatbots can offer assistance with easy tasks, and provide answers. Speak with us about setting up an AI assistant

6. Host Unique Virtual Events

The post-pandemic world has caused virtual events and webinars to increase significantly and they don’t seem to be going anywhere. Investing in trade shows and other in-person events don’t have the same power they once held.

Virtual events are a fantastic way to engage with potential customers without having to spend the money on travel or renting out a venue. Plus, you can reach a larger audience by hosting a virtual event than you ever could by hosting an in-person event.

The key to making virtual events successful is to make sure they’re high-quality. This means having a great presentation, fantastic visuals, and interesting content. Think about the type of event you want to host and then create a strategy for how you’ll make it successful.

7.  Start Implementing Automation

Automation in digital marketing is something that’s been on the rise for a few years and it doesn’t seem to be slowing down. In fact, automating certain tasks can help you save time and money.

There are a variety of different automations that can be used in digital marketing but some of the most popular ones are email marketing, social media posts, websites, and lead nurturing. These generally form the foundation of your online presence and will help you connect with your customers more than other platforms.

Email marketing can be automated by creating a series of emails that are sent to a customer based on their actions. Social media posts can be automated by using tools like Hootsuite or Buffer to schedule your posts ahead of time.

Lead nurturing can be automated by setting up triggers that will send an email or notification to another team member when a potential lead gets in contact with your team. It’s a great way to take advantage of all the platforms you’re using and save time pushing content out manually.

8. Use Data Tracking

Whether you’re transitioning into online platforms or have been there since the start of the pandemic, it’s important to collect data. Data tracking can help you see what’s working and what’s not so you can make necessary changes to your strategy.

There are a variety of different data points you can track for all your different platforms. The primary goal would be to set specific key performance indicators (KPIs) that allow you to track the progress of your marketing campaigns.

Some of the most important data points to track are website visitors, leads generated, conversion rates, and email open rates. Tracking this information will give you hard data to make informed decisions about what direction to take the company.


There are plenty of lead generation strategies that you can use in a post-pandemic world. The most important thing is to be adaptable and willing to try new things. These are just a few of the many strategies you can use to help your business succeed but the real work is getting them implemented and finding ways to improve.

Author Bio: Jordan Brannon is President and Co-founder of Coalition Technologies, a leading US digital agency. For the last decade, Jordan has led Coalition’s team of experts as they drive outstanding outcomes to hundreds of businesses through SEO, SEM, Paid Social, Email Marketing and Web Design. Jordan is an annual keynote speaker at the Global eCommerce & Retail Forum and a presenter for BigCommerce, Shopify, Yotpo, and other digital marketing-focused events and conferences.

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