How Stefanini is Making a Difference During Challenging Times - Stefanini

How Stefanini Is Making A Difference During Challenging Times

A good society involves caring for the people around us and helping those in need.

At Stefanini, we value people, which is why we strive to create a friendly, positive atmosphere at work, and why our teams become more like our second families.

This passion for people extends beyond our offices, because we also believe in getting actively involved in improving society.

At Stefanini, we value people, which is why we strive to create a friendly, positive atmosphere at work, and why our teams become more like our second families.

Wherever there’s a need, we want to lend a hand, which is why over the years we’ve helped children from poor families, sick children, people with disabilities, and supported environmental protection efforts.

One of our key CSR initiatives is ‘One Child, One Backpack’, which runs in Romania, Moldova and Poland. At the beginning of the school term, we prepare backpacks containing school supplies for children whose families cannot afford these. This is a particularly rewarding initiative as we know how much happiness the backpacks bring to the children.

We also care about community health issues, which is why we actively raise awareness around the importance of blood donation. We encourage our colleagues to donate blood whenever possible and, prior to the pandemic, we organized blood donation sessions at our offices in Romania and Poland, to make it easier for our colleagues to get involved.

Meanwhile, our charity bake sales have involved teams baking and selling cookies at our offices, with all money raised donated to a variety of NGOs.

Responding to the pandemic

With the global context changing so much lately, we’ve had to rethink our strategy across the board, including how we continue to make a difference to society and empower our colleagues to get involved. While it hasn’t always been easy, we’ve been able to “reinvent” the way we approach CSR. This has included our online tutoring sessions for foreign languages in Romania.

Thanks to 12 Stefanini employees who have kindly volunteered their time, we’re able to provide English, French or German tuition to a group of children from Galati. With schools closed for a long time and the final part of the school year a challenge for everyone, these children have been able to improve their foreign language skills during the summer.

Whether our CSR initiatives involve charity marathons, gifts for children in hospitals, tree planting events or donating books or clothes for children in need, we always make sure that kindness is one of the values that we promote among our employees.

We also try to support the causes that are important and relevant for our employees, and when we see that our campaigns are successful, we know we owe this success to the fact that Stefanini employees care about people.

We are stronger together and, as they say, we have to be the change that we want to see in the world. I am confident that at Stefanini we will continue doing great things together, simply because #WeCare.

To learn more about how Stefanini is adapting its business and services in response to Covid-19, click here.  

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