Stefanini and INSEAD prepare leaders for the digital revolution - Stefanini

Stefanini And INSEAD Prepare Leaders For The Digital Revolution

With technology constantly evolving, keeping up with the latest developments in cloud, application development or artificial intelligence can seem daunting. The simple fact, however, is that the modern workplace is more dependent on technology than ever before. In order to achieve success, organisations now require leaders that fully understand the impact that digital transformation has upon their daily operations.

That’s why Stefanini has joined forces with INSEAD, one of the most prestigious business schools in the world. Ranked #1 MBA in the Financial Times’ world ranking in 2015, 2016 and 2017, we are proud to have partnered with INSEAD to launch a brand-new academic program for business executives. Together, we are striving to equip leaders with the tools required not just to survive, but to thrive in the digital age.

We want leaders to become energised by the possibilities of digital transformation, instead of resistant to the uncertainties of change. Through world-class tutelage, we want to transform the mindsets of modern leaders, so that they can keep up with the latest industry disruptions, and can go on to inspire their teams to embrace the countless benefits that technology facilitates.

How does the program run?

Working closely with INSEAD, we have designed a program that is delivered in three distinct stages.

The first stage, known as the Pre-Game, consists of preparatory reading, an assessment of students’ existing digital knowledge and skills, and a meeting with students to discuss their specific challenges. With this insight, we can customise the remainder of the program to the unique requirements of our students. As a result, no two courses that we provide with INSEAD are the same.

The second stage, the Primary Course, consists of a comprehensive five-day program. Taking place at INSEAD’s campus in France, students will be deeply immersed in a lively, challenging course, which is delivered through a uniquely interactive classroom. They will overcome their unique digital challenges through a mixture of teamwork, dedicated coaching, real-life case studies and innovative exercises.

The third and final stage of the process is Landing. We understand that learning in the classroom and implementing new skills and knowledge in the real world are two very different things. That’s why, after candidates have completed the program, we will remain in touch with them, in order to support the practical application of their tuition as they return to their various organisations. We will also offer the opportunity to take part in further workshops, so that students can cement their knowledge further still.

What do Stefanini and INSEAD provide?

The core offering of our program is the Primary Course. Over five days, students will come to understand the fundamentals of digital strategy and acquire the knowledge required to define – or in some cases, redefine – their own digital transformation plans.

The course is jointly led by Felipe Monteiro and Nathan Furr, Professors of Strategy at INSEAD. Together, Felipe and Nathan challenge students to consider management strategies for digital transformation, the importance of agility and design thinking, and the process of reshaping business culture for the digital era.

Why consider the Stefanini / INSEAD program?

Just as with our products and services, we’re dedicated to ensuring that our partnership with INSEAD delivers the results that your business requires. That’s why we are very proud to report that the program has earned an overall satisfaction rate of 98% among our students, and that every student who has taken part in the program would recommend it to their peers.

The digital revolution is to be embraced; not feared. The world of business is changing quickly, and leaders must be prepared to respond just as quickly if they are to succeed. To make sure your business doesn’t get left behind, why not find out how Stefanini and INSEAD can help?

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