Discover how the digital revolution can impact the business world - Stefanini

Discover How The Digital Revolution Can Impact The Business World

Do the words digital revolution scare you or excite you? Depending on your answer, it’s possible to establish how open you are to the technological changes taking place in today’s world and to adopting the new mindset that results from them.

Now stop and think about how this affects your life. Perhaps you mostly choose to keep your personal and consumer relationships as they have always been, separate from the virtual world- but what about in business? After all, doesn’t your company depend on your receptiveness to innovation to get the best possible result from this transformation?

To help you understand the effects of this digital revolution, the best IT solutions, and how this transition should unfold, we’ve prepared this content. Check it out and get ready!

How does the digital revolution impact companies?

This revolution is a disruptive change that digital transformation is causing inside and outside of companies. Not only are there innovations that are useful for business, but also, a socio-cultural rupture that is both the cause and consequence of impacts on companies.

Thus, in the corporate sphere, it involves changing processes, paradigms, and behaviors, based on the implementation of functionalities or solutions that modern technology provides.

For example, through collaboration and communication tools, not only has remote working been made possible, but has also demonstrated its advantages by optimizing employee productivity.

Also in this sense, consumer relations have become more dynamic and based on the customer experience rather than the product or service offered, requiring a new attitude from corporations towards buyers.

Why is it important to keep up to date with technological changes?

Today, innovation in companies is a key element in ensuring their competitiveness in the market. As well as providing solutions that best meet customer demands, this also proposes new methods and tools that improve operations.

In this context, the constant technological updating proposed by the digital revolution is important because it allows businesses to reduce costs, automate tasks, increase productivity, and optimize performance.

What are the main technologies of the digital revolution?

It should be noted that the digital revolution is inevitable. Therefore, the ideal scenario is to understand the main technologies in order to decide what to implement in your company. Here’s a list of the solutions that are currently in the spotlight!

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Artificial Intelligence is not just in the realm of science fiction. Today, this technology is capable of simulating human behavior and interacting with people naturally, and is already present in service software via social networks, websites or applications and even in operations control systems.

Machine Learning

Usually used in conjunction with AI, Machine Learning is a technology that allows machines to learn from associations of data, without the need for a human being to program such knowledge.


The IoT, or Internet of Things, is the pinnacle of the hyper-connectivity that the world has entered into. It integrates objects – glasses, fridges, TVs, etc. – into the internet, enabling automatic communication between them and other systems.

Big Data

Big Data is an IT solution that can collect, manage, process and analyze large volumes of structured or unstructured data. Based on the information it produces, various companies can direct their planning to maximize results and minimize risks.


Blockchain is a security feature applied to online transactions. Data, currencies and even digital goods can be recorded in this virtual ledger to ensure the ownership of values or the authenticity of information.

Cloud Computing

Cloud computing is a service that is now available for virtual and remote access to platforms, systems, infrastructures, etc., serving as the basis for digitizing operations in various types of business.

Robotic Automation

Machines and devices operating on their own are not necessarily new. What sets robotic automation apart is the independence of these systems to perceive the environment with which they are physically interacting.

What are the impacts of the digital revolution on IT?

The digital revolution has placed great demands on companies’ IT departments. After all, if the introduction of new technologies is central to the changes it brings about, the burden of presenting these innovations ends up falling on these professionals.

In this context, anyone who thinks that this team only needs to be up to date with the latest developments in their segment is mistaken. This team now has responsibilities that demand much more than technical knowledge.

Thus, the major impact of this transformation on the day-to-day life of this working group is the role they must play and the skills they need to do so, since it is also up to them to adapt the tools to the business. To do this, they need to:

  • search for solutions that increase productivity;
  • direct investments, prioritizing what adds the most value for the client;
  • enable greater collaboration and efficiency in digital processes;
  • propose new business, interaction, sales and work models using IT;
  • provide the company with scalability;
  • find the suppliers most aligned with the corporation’s needs.

How can a specialized company help in this process?

When it comes to technology suppliers, you need to look for more than just companies that sell the products or services you need to implement the digital revolution in your business.

A specialized company doesn’t just sell IT solutions, it is able to guide you through the entire process, including planning the change, migration, adaptation, implementation and use of innovations.

Based on its vast and solid experience, it indicates the most appropriate tools for the organization’s reality and the best paths to follow, minimizing or avoiding difficulties in order to facilitate this transition.

And now, after all the information on the subject presented in this content, do the words digital revolution scare you or excite you? Regardless of your answer, the truth is that this transformation is too inevitable to ignore.

Do you know who can help you with this transition? Stefanini, of course. Contact us and find out how we go from consulting to IT solutions so that your business gets the most out of digitalization!

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