Alexia Gușa - Testimonial - Stefanini

Alexia Gușa - Learning And Development Manager

This month marks my 8th anniversary with Stefanini EMEA, while soon the organization will also celebrate its 37th anniversary. And what a journey it has been! From my start as a Support Engineer speaking Italian to now leading an amazing team of L&D professionals, every step has been a learning experience filled with growth, challenges, and unforgettable moments. Over these years, I’ve had the incredible opportunity to:

📌 Create transformative learning programs like “First Time Managers,” watching them take shape and make a real difference.

📌Adapt and bring to life PCM workshops that truly resonate with our managers’ daily experiences.

📌Facilitate countless training sessions, both online and in-person, helping our teams reach their full potential.

📌Champion our organization’s mission as a proud ambassador, spreading our values far and wide.

📌Forge strong partnerships that have enriched our learning culture and strengthened our team.

📌Support impactful initiatives like the Stefanini Institute EMEA, helping to provide educational opportunities for those who need them most.

Every experience has fueled my passion for continuous learning and making a positive impact in our community.

A huge thank you to everyone who has been part of this incredible journey! To my inspiring manager, my fantastic team, and all those who have given me feedback and support—thank you! And, of course, endless appreciation to my family for always being there.

Here’s to many more years of growth, collaboration, and making a difference together! 🎉

#Anniversary #CareerMilestone #LearningAndDevelopment #ProudToBeStefanini #StefaniniEMEA #LeadershipJourney #StefaniniAmbassador #FollowYourIntuition #Stefanini37 #WeAreStefanini

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