Superior Customer Service Celebrated Through Above Average NPS Score

Superior Customer Service Celebrated Through Above Average NPS Score

Our EMEA entity has achieved a net promoter score (NPS) of +63, representing a ringing endorsement of the service we provide and demonstrating the large proportion of current clients who would recommend us as a partner.

The Stefanini EMEA NPS score of +63 is significantly higher than the average for IT service providers, which is +44 according to the client satisfaction business ClearlyRated.

This number was calculated following international guidelines, which consist of sending a survey to clients, inviting them to provide anonymous feedback, including whether they would recommend Stefanini to a friend or colleague. The NPS is calculated by subtracting the number of people who are very likely to recommend Stefanini from the number who are less likely to offer a recommendation.

The yearly NPS survey is an important part of our commitment to quality, which involves listening to our customers to ensure all products and services meet their expectations.

Within the survey, which included clients from multiple industries (pharma, manufacturing, technology and more), we received praise for our flexibility, integrity and ability to work collaboratively.

Farlei Kothe, CEO of Stefanini EMEA, says: “NPS is a trusted method for gaining valuable insight into how effectively a business is meeting its clients’ needs, which is why we’re delighted to receive a score significantly higher than the industry average.

“We’re grateful to our clients for taking part in the survey and for providing us with such encouraging feedback. We will use these results to identify where we can meet client needs even more effectively, and as motivation to deliver an ever-improving customer experience.”

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