Stefanini Boosts Digital Marketing Offer with Joint Venture in Romania - Stefanini

Stefanini Boosts Digital Marketing Offer With Joint Venture In Romania

Stefanini has turbocharged its digital marketing offering through the launch of a new joint venture in Romania, Stefanini Infinit.

The new organization, a full-service digital marketing company, powerfully combines Stefanini’s business and technology solutions with the creative marketing expertise of digital agency Infinit Solutions.

The joint venture builds on a longstanding relationship between Stefanini and Infinit Solutions, which has included partnering on numerous projects for multiple clients over the last seven years.

Stefanini Infinit fully incorporates the former Infinit Solutions team, allowing the business to seamlessly continue its local business operations while providing it with the scale and global resources of Stefanini Group.

“Having worked with our Infinit Solutions partners for seven years, we know that our strong chemistry and combined offering can provide incredible results to clients. Combining marketing and technology is a powerful way to help our clients and their end-users take full advantage of new trends in efficiency, mobility and flexibility and our joint venture allows us to take this to the next level,” says Marco Stefanini, CEO and Founder of Stefanini.

Alex Cernatescu, Stefanini Infinit CEO, adds: “Stefanini’s customer-centric and entrepreneurial culture was one of the most important reasons why we decided to take our partnership one step further and create this new joint venture together. The newly created business setup enables us to provide integrated services for our existing, local clients and expand our operations globally.”

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