Stefanini Group Partners with FlowX.AI to Transform European Banking Technology - Stefanini

Stefanini Group Partners With FlowX.AI To Transform European Banking Technology

FlowX.AI, recognized as a pioneer in modernizing applications, joins forces with Stefanini Group to lead the charge in redefining banking technology. With a commitment to transforming the digital services landscape for European banks, Stefanini Group will harness the power of FlowX.AI’s advanced platform. This collaboration signals a significant leap forward in the ongoing narrative of digital transformation, emphasizing the importance of staying at the forefront of technological innovation.

Key Highlights of the Partnership:

  • Modernizing Banking Tech: Stefanini will use FlowX.AI’s platform to update and improve digital services for European banks.
  • Quick Development and Launch: FlowX.AI is unique in its ability to quickly create and implement critical digital banking services.

Significant Benefits for the Banking Sector:

  • Recognized Excellence: FlowX.AI’s recent success in securing the largest Series A funding in the enterprise software sector in two years underscores its effectiveness in enhancing banking technology and reducing costs.
  • Accelerated Transformation: Banks can now update their old systems in a few months, enabling better digital experiences for customers and increasing their profits.

Stefanini Group are happy to partner with FlowX. By leveraging their cutting-edge AI platform, Stefanini Group can enhance its existing digital transformation services and deliver even greater value to its clients. Stefanini Group believes that this partnership will enable them to provide their clients with the latest AI technologies and solutions, allowing them to improve their business processes, gain deeper insights into their data, and enhance their customer experiences. Stefanini Group is looking forward to working with to drive innovation and growth for our clients in the financial industry and beyond.

Ioan Iacob, CEO of FlowX.AI, said, “The banking sector faces a number of critical challenges in building technology applications. Balancing innovation with security, navigating complex regulatory environments, and meeting the rising expectations of a digitally-savvy customer base, is no easy feat This is why robustness and scalability is paramount for any financial services organization embracing digital transformation. Our partnership with Stefanini reflects our joint mission to help the banking sector innovate with trust and reliability at the core.”

About FlowX.AI

FlowX is an application modernization platform for enterprise mission-critical applications. Founded in 2021, FlowX.AI aims to forever change the way enterprise software is built.  Providing capabilities such as no-code/low-code plus full code, infrastructure-agnostic legacy system connectors, pre-defined industry-centric accelerators, and automatically-generated native user interfaces across all channels and devices, enterprises now have the flexibility and unbounded freedom to build whatever is needed to transform their organizations. 

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