How AI is Simplifying Everyday Tasks - Stefanini

How AI Is Simplifying Everyday Tasks

Technology CAN make your life easier. In recent years, we’ve witnessed the surge of many advanced technologies that simplify our lives in some aspect. Artificial intelligence is one of those technologies intended to do some of the heavy lifting for us. From scheduling meetings to being your virtual assistant, AI can add tremendous value to your life. Even Bill Gates thinks so. In the foreword of Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella’s new book “Hit Refresh,” Gates writes: “Think of all the time we spend manually organizing and performing mundane activities, from scheduling meetings to paying the bills.” Gates AI forecast? “In the future, an AI agent will know that you are at work and have ten minutes free, and then help you accomplish something that is high on your to-do list.”

An AI example that is facilitating our day-to-day tasks is Amazon Alexa. Since its initial release date three years ago, Amazon Alexa has become one of the most popular virtual assistants and is only getting more advanced. During a recent press event at Amazon’s new Sphere’s building, executives announced they’re offering electronic makers a small chip that would enable people to make voice commands to everyday household devices, according to The Wall Street Journal. Can you imagine the ease of waking up in the morning and commanding Alexa to start your coffee machine?

Additionally, our own AI platform Sophie improves the workplace, as she can assist with tasks, such as triggering workflow, auto escalation, presenting knowledge to users and much more. Sophie has the ability to understand the meaning of words and phrases and relate them to the real world. Furthermore, she learns at a faster pace and can be implemented in a shorter period of time than any other tool on the market. Sophie was designed for complex, high-demand environments and thinks using the symbolic process, which leads to a faster learning process, as well as better conversational skills and user comprehension. 

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