Powering Efficiency with Smart Lockers and Vending Machines - Stefanini

Powering Efficiency With Smart Lockers And Vending Machines

Smart lockers and vending machines can prove powerful tools for businesses. With these solutions in place, organizations can boost efficiency, productivity and accessibility by streamlining the process of distributing devices to employees, whether these are keyboards, laptops and mice or smartphones and headsets.

These solutions are also particularly valuable to businesses operating locations with a large number of end-users, as well as where people work outside of technical support hours.

With vending machines in place, businesses free up their IT teams and empower their end-users by enabling them to securely pickup devices unattended.

Whether containing equipment that is brand new in box, unboxed or refurbished, smart vending machine solutions avoid the need for the IT team to respond to a raised ticket and, through sophisticated backend software, inform teams about stock levels and whether items need to be reordered.

There are three major benefits that businesses adopting these solutions can realize.

Accessibility Improvements

Smart lockers and vending machines empower end users by providing them access to the tools they need to carry out their roles as efficiently as possible.

If, for instance, a sales manager doesn’t have a particular device for an upcoming presentation, they can get one in minutes through an automated solution. If they’d been missing a power cable, for example, not having an automated solution in place might have prevented them from delivering their presentation as planned.

Resource Efficiencies

Whether it’s the Service Desk, Remote Technical Support or Local Technical Support, IT teams are nearly always busy. Meanwhile, end-users rely on these teams to carry out their work as efficiently as possible.

Automated solutions can make an important difference here – freeing up time for the IT team, which means they can more effectively support end-users with more complex challenges.

Smart Thinking

Any business that can enable end-users to pick up a new mouse or headset from a vending machine creates a point of difference with competitors and demonstrates a progressive forward-thinking approach.

This automation complements Stefanini’s Digital Café or Virtual Digital Café services, providing a zero-touch approach to a high-touch level of service.

“Smart automated solutions deliver significant win-wins for businesses, freeing up IT teams to add greater value, while boosting productivity among end-users and showcasing an organization’s commitment to forward-thinking innovation,” says Barry Goldsworthy, Sr Technical Solutions Manager Stefanini EMEA.

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