Google Analytics 4 Migration - Stefanini
Growth & Performance

Google Analytics 4 Migration

A Seamless Transition to the Future of Web Analytics

A Marketing Analytics Transformation

Are You Ready?

Structure Digital Analytics for the Future

For any organization with a website or app, web analytics is at the heart of performance tracking. GA plans the shift in 2023 – the first major digital analytics shift since 1997; after twenty-six years, Chrome plans to end cookies.

This is significant for digital analytics – to perform well, it is time to structure yourself  — in advance.

Google Analytics 4


GA4 Migrations Framework
1. Kickoff

Assess current operating  model and business needs.

Define strategy: KPIs and goals.

Data collection and cross-reference required data.

Integrate domains and devices.

Leverage Google Tag Manager (GTM), GA, Firebase and BQ Auditing.

2. Define Migration Plan

Implementations – GTM, Firebase and hard code

Cross-domain and device

Custom metrics and dimensions

Account architecture and event cataloging

Classify media parameters, map metrics definition and information granularity

3. Migration Implementation

Apply general configurations and execute GTM, GA, Firebase and BQ

Consolidate platforms – Ads, Search Console, BQ, Salesforce, etc.

Application and validation of data and event layer – testing and production

Validate interface data

Refractor the base

Create/reconnect dashboards

4. Maintain And Govern

Back up universal analytics

Manage pipeline and access management

Custom metrics and dimensions

Monitor platform data quality

Maintain the newly implemented GA4 and implement best practices

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