The LGPD is a detailed law that sets out a wide range of provisions. These include guiding principles for processing data, as well as the rights businesses must provide consumers over the use of their data and the rules for reporting any data breaches.
All businesses that process the personal data of people based in Brazil will need to be familiar with the LGDP, which has been enforced since 1 August 2021.
The LGPD provides ten principles of data processing, which encompass everything from ensuring data is processed for a legitimate and specified purpose to ensuring only necessary personal data is processed and that this is carried out in a way that is non-discriminatory.
The LGPD also establishes consent as a requirement for data processing and states that this consent needs to be informed, unambiguous and given freely – a consumer cannot be denied access to a website for declining targeted advertising, for instance.
Stefanini’s experts are on hand to ensure your business is fully compliant with the LGPD.