What Are Managed Workplace Services? - Stefanini

What Are Managed Workplace Services?

Managed Workplace Services, North America Defined

Gartner defines managed workplace services (MWS) as a subgroup of the IT outsourcing (ITO) market. It includes traditional end-user outsourcing (EUO) as well as new digital workplace services to provide integrated support, automated service, and cloud-first support services to end users. According to Gartner, EUO services include Service desk Desktop/laptop outsourcing services for both physical and virtual devices, and Mobility services to manage tablets and mobile devices. MWS is focused on delivering a digital workplace experience to end users so organizations can utilize their digital dexterity in the development of new digital business goals. The idea is to boost agility and employee experience and engagement through a more consumerized work environment, thus contributing to a digital transformation of the workplace.

Which service offerings are used in your workplace strategy? Learn more here!

Gartner Magic Quadrant

In 2019, Stefanini was positioned as a challenger in Gartner’s Magic Quadrant. For those unfamiliar, the Gartner Magic Quadrant is a culmination of research in a specific market that gives readers a wide-angle view of the relative positions of the market’s competitors. Similar to ISG Provider Lens™ Quadrant reports, they are used to educate readers about the market’s competing technology providers and their ability to deliver on the things end users require presently and in the future. Further, the Magic Quadrant allows users to understand the strategies used by the market’s technology providers to compete for end-user business, as well as how they are competitively positioned. Finally, it allows users to compare a technology provider’s strengths and challenges with their specific needs.

Why was Stefanini recognized as a Challenger in the U.S. in Gartner’s Magic Quadrant? Get an overview here!

Quadrant provides a graphical composition of four types of technology providers, pinpointing major players in markets where provider differentiation is distinct and growth is high:

  • Leaders – When a player is positioned as a leader, they are prepared for tomorrow as a result of the fact that they execute well against their current vision
  • Visionaries – Have a vision for changing market rules or understand where the market is going, but do not yet execute their plans well
  • Niche Players – Focus well on a small segments, or alternatively, are unfocused and do not out-innovate or out-perform others
  • Challengers – May dominate a large segment of the market, but don’t have an understanding of market direction

Not only are we a Challenger in Gartner’s Magic Quadrant, but ISG also named us a Leader in a 2019 report. Get more details here!

Types of Managed Workplace Services Made-to-Order

There are several different types of managed workplace services. We have built eight different types that initiate the transformation of the workplace, thereby maintaining and sustaining it:

1.       End-User Computing

Having received recognition for our global work in both Service Desk and Field Service at our disposal, we offer anytime, anywhere support from any device to meet user demands.

2.       Enterprise Services

Our customizable solutions are focused on recognizing and implementing new operational components that keep businesses moving forward and on the forefront of change. Our Centers of Excellence include Enterprise Architecture, Cloud Services, Security Services, Unified Endpoint Management (UEM), Virtualization Management, and Infrastructure Services.

3.       Customer Experience

To improve IT interactions, you need a partner that focuses on continuous improvement. We create better customer experiences for end users and IT services by using data analytics and operational expertise to improve IT interactions.

4.       Data Center Services

To provide better business outcomes and make your data center more efficient, our services enable organizations to plan, deliver and manage their IT environments, circumventing issues created by traditional data centers. The Cloud allows your users to worm on their own devices, online and offline, quickly and limitlessly, and working collaboratively from anywhere they choose.

5.       d3

Data, diagnosis and decision makes up our d3 innovative solution. In real-time, Stefanini d3 analyzes and collects from end-point systems to gather insights and provide proactive service. d3 can digitally transform your business by optimizing your resources, providing faster reactions and proactive solutions, and Sophie, our AI platform that offers a solution for managed services.

6.       Cloud Services

We support multiple systems from Sharepoint, Azure, Exchange and Office 365. Across Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), and Software as a Service (SaaS), we will work with your unique business needs to balance data accessibility with security concerns and address the growing need for agility to adapt to a connected world.

7.       Unified Endpoint Management

With Stefanini’s Unified Endpoint Management (UEM), we offer automated management of software, Operating System Deployments (OSD)/imaging, patching, and reporting, including self-service options that empower both end users and support staff across mobile devices, workstations and servers. By simplifying imaging, automating software installations, and patching, our support staff is able to accomplish more in less time.

8.       Security Services

We pinpoint weaknesses and then strengthen your network so critical information is never compromised. In addition, we also manage antivirus software for a secure enterprise.

The nature of work is changing rapidly. Are you keeping up? Learn more about Stefanini’s transformative workplace and infrastructure solutions!

Partner with Stefanini

Our broad and customized solutions offer you new opportunities for higher user satisfaction, productivity and innovation. With our workplace solutions, you’ll thrive in the new digital era. Learn more about our workplace and infrastructure solutions here. To learn more about our inclusion in the 2019 Gartner Magic Quadrant for Managed Workplace Services, North America, please visit this link.

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