Have You Embraced Industry 4.0? - Stefanini

Have You Embraced Industry 4.0?

The latest industry revolution (Industry 4.0) is here, combining automation and data to transform plants into smart factories. Industry 4.0 is more than just a flashy catchphrase. It’s changing how businesses operate worldwide with new technology and insights. Technology’s permeation in the workplace is forcing many businesses to change their relationships with customers and stakeholders. Information technology must now be an integral and strategic part of the business model.

With decades of technological and domain experience, we will transform your enterprise with unparalleled integration, digital expertise, and big-picture vision. The data and information attached to sensors and IoT-connected devices are intertwined with automation and artificial intelligence, and they all play a role in transforming the way we work.

Here are the top four ways Stefanini can help you embrace the new revolution:

1.       Integration: We have expertise in both operation and information technology and know how to integrate them for better production and cost efficiency. 

2.       Agnostic: You’ve invested a lot in your current operation, which is why we want to enhance the assets you already have.

3.       Predictive/Prescriptive Analytics: Data only works if you know how to use it. Our predictive and prescriptive analytics find and correct issues before they cause a plant shutdown.

4.       Flexible: We are a true partner and work with clients to find the right solution for their unique environment.

Learn more about our Industry 4.0 offer HERE

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