Co-creating Positive Customer Experiences - Stefanini

Co-creating Positive Customer Experiences

Customer experience (CX) reigns over anything else in this time of digital transformation.

As new technologies are disrupting the world, it’s important to take into account that customer expectations are changing rapidly. The success of businesses is dependent on CX, so monitoring all parts of the customer journey is crucial. Furthermore, during the customer’s journey with your brand, they should feel as though together you’re co-creating solutions to their challenges.

There are a plethora of ways that companies can co-create an exceptional CX. Gartner highlights four popular categories for CX metrics: satisfaction, loyalty, advocacy, and quality.

A Gartner infographic explores each of the four categories of measuring CX:

1.  Customer Satisfaction

One way to measure CX is by determining the customer’s level of satisfaction. Is the customer happy with your products and services? Are your products and services easy to use? Are you fulfilling the customer’s needs? Does the customer feel valued?

Ask yourself all of these questions to ensure the highest level of customer satisfaction. Gather this information by monitoring the conversation your customers are having about your company on social media and review forums. You can also conduct surveys.   

2.  Customer Loyalty

If you’re able to enhance CX, there’s a better chance of achieving customer loyalty. After all, a happy customer is a loyal customer. Once you’ve collected customer data, you can improve a negative CX, or maintain a positive one.

To define customer loyalty, measure how often a customer is purchasing your products and services, and the quantity of those purchases. Moreover, see if they participate in any loyalty programs.

3.  Advocacy

When customers have positive experiences with your company, they’re more likely to spread the word. Great experiences can be hard to come by. That’s why when people find a company that meets all of their needs, they’re ecstatic.

Happy customers will go out of their way to recommend your products and services to others. It’s called word-of-mouth marketing, and it should never be underestimated. Advocacy can only be achieved by paying close attention to the customer journey from start to finish.  

4.  Quality

One thing that is difficult for customers to compromise on is quality. In fact, quality goes far beyond the products and services you deliver. Quality should be present in all stages of the customer journey, everything from awareness to making a purchase.  

All companies should be built on quality, as it’s the foundation to achieving a top-notch CX. It’s not easy for businesses to redeem themselves after failing to meet customer needs. That’s why it’s best to put quality control measures in place from the beginning.

How Stefanini Can Help

Stefanini (CX) is a key performance indicator for successful businesses because happy customers become loyal ones and influence others. Great CX can only happen with a strategy, data, and quality user experiences.

By analyzing user behavior on the overarching customer journey, we establish the knowledge base we need to build and evolve platforms, products, and services from the initial planning up to the business conversation.

Want to co-create a better CX? Check out our solutions here.

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