Automation and Artificial Intelligence – Changes of Workforce - Stefanini

Automation And Artificial Intelligence – Changes Of Workforce

Automation and artificial intelligence have affected the workforce in many ways, prompting many companies to develop ways of optimizing human resources and creating new job opportunities. Machines and humans are working together to increase companies’ competitiveness, ensuring growth and promoting better interactive experiences.

Valuable research has been conducted, assessing the data of how technological advances affect jobs. The results reflect complex shifts in workforce skills and their corresponding wages. McKinsey’s recent article answers five important questions.

What impact will automation have on work? What are possible scenarios for employment growth? Will there be enough work in the future? What will automation mean for skills and wages? How do we manage the upcoming workforce transitions?

In the future, the activities on which workers spend time will change. Tasks that leverage expertise, communication, managing people and creativity will be left in the hands of human workers, as machines are less capable of performing these. Physical activities that are predictable—as well as those related to data collection and processing—will continue to be designated to machines, since they already perform them more efficiently than humans.

Read McKinsey’s article to find out more about what the future of work means for jobs, skills and wages for future-thinkers.

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