Business school Saint Paul partners with Stefanini Scala to use artificial intelligence (AI).
Allows students to be in control of learning through extensive content, precise answers, and giving students the ability to follow their own development in the course . Saint Paul is the only school in the world to utilize AI in this way.
In times of fake news, it is getting harder to differentiate between true and fake information on the internet. You can search for an answer and get misleading or wrong information. There are people, however, who are using technology to educate. Business School Saint Paul partnered with Stefanini Scala, a Stefanini affiliate, to offer a disruptive platform that allows students to clear up doubts any time of day from anywhere with the help of Artificial Intelligence (AI).
“Our professors “train” the AI tool to answer questions on class content”, explains Marcos Paulo Sanchez, superintendent of the Digital and IT at Saint Paul. The Financial Times listed the institution among the best in the world at least five times.
The project started with Accounting followed by Innovation and Creativity. Now, students with Administration and Finance will have access to the tool, capable of answering questions as well as teaching concepts and techniques related to the course. With this phase, more than 20 thousand students are able to turn to the platform for learning. “The new expectation is to extend the access to more than 100 courses in 3 years”, affirms Sanchez. “The digital transformation is what moves us. We are not discarding professors. It is actually the opposite, it is a new way that the professor works with us since they are the ones who train the system.”
On top of offering extensive content and precise answers, the platform allows the student to follow their own development in the course and share their experience on a social platform made exclusively for students. “We want to put the student in control of the learning”, guarantees Sanchez. For Filipe Cotait, director of technology at Stefanini Scala, the platform shows that Saint Paul is an innovative and disruptive institution. Saint Paul is the only school in the world to utilize AI in this way.
Stefanini Scala is responsible for the implementation of the IBM Watson technology and for the creation of the chat which allows the student can ask questions to the “24-hour professor”. “In the beginning, I confess that I was skeptical about the possibility of AI learning the content, but the results were a great surprise” highlights Sanchez.
This project is part of a continuing education program called LIT, which works similar to a Netflix membership offering access to vast content and allowing students to direct their education towards specific interests. In general, the platform – called Paul – includes more than 1500 problems and solutions, 7000 books, and 10 MBA programs. As a student completes their digital coursework, they earn certificates to confirm their subject knowledge. Or, if the student prefers, they can study through the platform and attend physical classes to obtain an MBA diploma from Saint Paul, for a fifth of the price of a traditional MBA.
The platform is able also capable of identifying strengths and weaknesses in each student and offer a personalized educational path. It is also able to draw out the student’s personality, through their way of writing and their social interactions. Above all, it is democratic. The membership costs $26.50 a month (R99 reais), which allows that millions of Brazilians have access to quality education.
Development: Created with IBM Watson technology and implemented by Stefanini Scala, a Stefanini affiliate
Training: Before Paul could teach, it needed to learn. Saint Paul professors programmed the platform to explain and answer questions about Accounting, Innovation and Creativity, and Administration and Finance.
Cognitive Computing: When a student asks a question, Paul uses language processing to understand the question and offer one of the answers previously prepared by the Saint Paul professors.
Non-answered Questions: If Paul does not know the answer, professors are available to help in person. Afterward, the questions and answers are inserted into the platform for a continuous process of improvement content guardianship.
Personalization: Paul is able to capture insights about student personality and suggests the best ways of learning.