Transforming Memories Into A Major Advertising Campaign With Applied AI - Stefanini Transforming Memories Into A Major Advertising Campaign With Applied AI - Stefanini

Transforming Memories Into A Major Advertising Campaign With Applied AI

Understanding the Client

One of the largest and best-known cosmetic, perfume, and personal hygiene product companies in Brazil. In addition to its physical stores, the company has a strong presence in e-commerce, allowing customers to purchase products online.

Context & Challenges

The relationship between artificial intelligence and creativity in marketing may seem paradoxical at first glance, as creativity is often associated exclusively with human expression and originality. However, AI presents a valuable tool to boost human creativity – not replacing it but amplifying it.

From trend forecasting to content creation, the client was seeking a partner with a creative approach to digital marketing, combining the limitless potential of human creativity with the tireless efficiency of AI.


With a combination of active listening, social insights, and real-time monitoring, an opportunity was identified to re-launch a nostalgic fragrance, capitalizing on the emotional power of scent memories.

Artificial intelligence was applied throughout the campaign, leading to significant community engagement. For example, on social media, the client asked users to reflect on their olfactory memories, including the scents that marked the era of their youth. Based on these stories, Stefanini used artificial intelligence to send rapid responses to tweets with AI-generated images, transforming the community’s memories into more tangible, exciting experiences.


  • 42% above performance target
  • Target achieved in just 10 days
  • 17 bottles sold per minute during the sales cycle

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