Streamlining Shipping Logistics With Applied AI - Case Study - Stefanini Streamlining Shipping Logistics With Applied AI - Case Study - Stefanini

Streamlining Shipping Logistics With Applied AI

Understanding the Client

A leading Brazilian logistics company specializing in the integration of railways, terminals, and ports to provide comprehensive logistics solutions. With a vast railway network, it plays a fundamental role in the transport of agricultural and mineral commodities.

Context & Challenges

A bilge ship, or bulk carrier, is designed to transport bulk cargo, such as ore, grain, and coal, in large open spaces called holds. Unlike container ships, bulk carriers store loose cargo directly in their holds. These ships are essential to global trade, moving large volumes of commodities between countries.

Among operational processes, cargo unloading faces challenges such as international, logistical coordination, compliance with local regulations, changes in weather conditions that may impact operations, and more. To ensure an efficient flow of cargo from ship to storage and guarantee the safety of the crew throughout the process, a complete disembarkation plan, which considers both the safety of the vessel and other logistical factors, is imperative.


Co-creating with the client, Stefanini’s multidisciplinary team designed a solution to streamline logistical processes, allowing the company’s bulk carriers to leverage real-time data about the vessel and the port to build strategic disembarkation plans personalized for each vessel.


  • R$ million saved in operating costs
  • 62% reduction in idleness of equipment used
  • Increased operational efficiency gained by reducing disembarkation time

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