How AI Can Help Brands Maximize the Effect of Their Influencer Marketing Campaigns - Stefanini

How AI Can Help Brands Maximize The Effect Of Their Influencer Marketing Campaigns

If you look closely, you will notice that artificial intelligence (AI) is present in the devices and appliances around you.

Reading this article on your phone? You probably landed here because you were interested in learning how AI works and an AI algorithm sent you to this article.

Got a smart car? It can sense the temperature and create a breathable environment for the people inside the car. The best part? You can talk to your smart car and it will respond to you as well.

Are you an avid and active social media creature? Most of the content you see on your timeline is because of an inbuilt AI mechanism on the social networking platform. It knows your age, gender, location, preferences, likes and dislikes, and shows you ads and updates based on your behavior (which includes your browsing patterns and search history).

These are the very basic things that present generation AI can do. However, there is much more to it.

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AI in Social Media and Influencer Marketing

Both social media marketing and influencer marketing are not buzzwords anymore. They are widely practiced by marketers to woo customers and edge out the competition.

Smart businesses today deploy AI advancements in their social media and influencer marketing to convince or influence their audience to make a favorable decision. Social networks are like giant marketplaces where there are both buyers and sellers. However, you cannot sell your product with just a snap.

Posting a social media timeline update, generating leads, and selling aren’t as simple as they might seem. You will need a strategy, rock-solid strategy that builds trust and influences people to take an action, which would be to buy and try your product.

Using AI-enabled marketing tools will help you test out your strategy. You can see the potential of your ad before it goes live – thanks to the intelligent AI!

Of course, a large part of the success of your campaigns will depend upon the quality of your content and the reputation of the influencer you have hired. But, your AI-enabled CRM can take the load of designing the ad copy, scheduling the ad, measuring the performance metrics, and recommending the strategic alterations for your future campaigns.

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How to Use AI to Boost your Social Media Influencer Marketing Efforts

1.    Find the Right Influencer

If you are a fitness brand, why would you hire a fashion and beauty blogger? You will need a fitness influencer then! There are dedicated AI-powered platforms that connect businesses looking for influencers and influencers open to collaborate with brands.

On platforms like these, you can find an influencer that holds an influential position in your industry, is present in your location, and fits in your budget.

On some platforms, you can assess influencers based on their past performance – without even having a word with them. These web-based AI-enabled tools are quite in demand these days, as they help you save plenty of time and move in the right direction with your influencer marketing strategy.

2.    Use Content Wisely

Relevant content is the content that performs. No matter how much you have invested on your influencer, no matter how creative your content is, if your audience cannot relate to it, it won’t be able to make an impact.

Digest it: your audience is not your audience only. They see targeted content from many other brands and businesses like you. Your content should be really effective in terms of relevance to make an impression on your audience. Sticking to relevance is crucial; otherwise, you will be lost in the sea of pictures and videos on social network.

AI can help here. Using the AI-powered ads manager tool on almost every social network, you can learn the preferences and behaviors of your audience to get suggestions on creating highly relevant content.

You can use User Generated Content (UGC) too as a part of your influencer marketing efforts. After all, your users and customers are also an individual of influence! Your users may not be celebrities, but their words (such as reviews, feedback, and testimonies) have the potential to influence those who are considering your brand.

2.    You can use UGCs in multiple ways.

For example, you can highlight how your solution eased the life of a user. You can share the user’s content in the form of a text update, a screenshot, or a video of the user as a part of your social media influencer marketing campaign. Then, you can turn this update into an ad to catch the attention of others looking for products like yours.

You can also address an issue or critique from a user openly on your or their timeline – not in an inbox. And when you resolve their complaints, you win not only their heart, but also the attention of others interested in your brand. You can involve this kind of content in your influencer marketing campaign.

And to find User Generated Content on social network and web, there are many AI-enabled social listening tools. Integrating such a tool in your process will send you alerts when your brand or brand keywords get a mention on digital and social. Following the alerts, you can directly locate the thread and take a desirable action.

4.    Deliver Ads and Content

Your AI-based CRM can help you identify the right content for the right audience at the right time. The biggest drawback of traditional ads delivery was that your ads will be shown to everyone including those who are your audience and those who aren’t.

AI integration makes it easier to show your ad to an audience who would be most interested in your products and services.

You can choose your audience based on their location, age, and gender, and many other factors, or simply, their buyer persona. This is the reason why social media and influencer marketing ads bring highest throughputs.

In fact, the outcomes of influencer marketing are higher than any other approach of marketing, if delivered correctly.

With this approach, you can easily set out on your social media influencer marketing success journey!

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The Bottom Line

Influencer marketing on social network is booming like never before. All you have to do is to surf the wave. And remember, if one strategy does not work, the second one will. You can always measure the performance of your influencer marketing campaigns and fine-tune your strategy to perform better with the power of AI.

Author bio: Birbahadur Singh Kathayat is an entrepreneur and online marketing consultant. He has 13 years of work experience in digital marketing and helping small business. He advises several startups and established companies. He is now working with Socialtradia

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