Follow Your Intuition: Exploring The Unknown - Chris's story - Chris's story

Follow Your Intuition: Exploring The Unknown - Chris's Story

Let us share with you the successful career story of strong leadership and how situational awareness brought our colleague Chris Weeks to his role now, as Technical Training and Compliance Manager. Chris has great experience in the working field and an inspiring sense of team building, as he had multiple roles that let him develop his skills and knowledge, making Chris’ story the perfect example of an inspiring career story to follow. 

Team player for innovation

From Help Desk Call-logger to Technical Training and Compliance Manager, the years of experience at Stefanini has given Chris Weeks a valuable overview of what it means to work in a company that offers solutions and innovates the IT market in more than 40 countries worldwide – “My experience went from knowing how desktops and laptops worked to knowing how full infrastructure works”. 

Chris has always looked for ways and opportunities for improvement, for himself as well as for his team, and that is one of the key factors that he credits for his incredible career advancement: “I was looking to see, can I do anything better? I was looking to gather experience and offer my help whenever”. 

As in any career development journey, it is essential to nurture every opportunity for growth while being the best asset that you can be for your team. Being able to recognize a need and try to come up with solutions might be challenging, but as Chris’ experience shows, it is very rewarding. From being the unofficial spokesperson for his team to being their leader, Chris shared with us that he progressed very quickly because of his situational awareness, that is being aware of your environment and of what your team needs in order to do good work and also to progress.

Advance with more than skills

When thinking back on his career journey, besides having situational awareness, Chris credits two big things as main cornerstones: being a good listener and honesty. These can go a long way when your scope is to build your career, as it forms a good precedence of yourself to your team and superiors, that you are truthful to yourself and about your mistakes. You have to trust your team that they can offer you the support to resolve any issue: “Your colleagues, your manager and people around you will be able to unpick that mistake”.  

“Look for gaps, for things you could do better or that you can improve” is the advice that Chris would give anyone starting in IT. Every improvement, even the littlest, can make a huge improvement for your team, as Chris shared: “You know this process that we do every day takes 45 minutes, and now takes 35? So it’s not exactly something you can tell your grandchildren about, but it’s made a huge difference for you and your team”. We accomplish this by working closely with each individual on the team, watching, observing, and appreciating their efforts.

If there is something to take from Chris’ experience and his successful career story is that doing the best that you can do is the answer. “No one can ever ask you to do more than your best”, and that is the truth. Every career path is different and filled with various challenges and setbacks along the way, but being true to yourself and to your abilities to overcome any problem should be your guiding force. 

At Stefanini, we’re big believers in this ability to gather experience and develop. When you become part of our team, you don’t only get the job you accept now, you also get the dream you will build later – just as Chris has demonstrated throughout his career. Trusting your intuition is making the difference.

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