Evolution of WAN to SD-WAN & Integration of SASE with Zero Trust SDWAN

Evolution Of WAN To SD-WAN And Integration Of SASE With Zero-Trust SDWAN For Modern Business Needs

Digital transformation journeys necessitate a reevaluation of traditional Wide Area Networks (WAN).

Explore the evolution from WAN to Software-Defined WAN (SD-WAN), inherent security challenges and mitigation strategies, recommended Zero-Trust SD-WAN Architecture and SASE key components, impacts on on-prem security, and the importance of integrating a Zero-Trust framework with the recommended SD-WAN and SASE architecture.

Downloading this resource and learn:

  • Evolution of WAN to SD-WAN: emergence and advantages
  • SD-WAN security challenges and mitigation strategies
  • Recommended SD-WAN architecture and key components
  • The most essential SASE component
  •  Can SASE remove the need for on-prem security
  • Key elements of Zero-Trust framework integration with the recommended architecture

By integrating these elements, businesses can ensure that their SD-WAN and SASE architecture not only meets the performance and scalability needs of modern operations but also adheres to the highest security standards, supporting a secure and efficient digital transformation journey.

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